This paper analyzes ChatGPT, and other large language models, using Don Ihde’s postphenomenological framework. Ihde helps immensely to understand how ChatGPT goes beyond the classical understanding of the technological mediation of reality to the human, according to which the human alone would engage in hermeneutics. Commonly, ChatGPT is explained as merely calculating probabilities upon serially aligning words. However, adding a speculative postanthropocentric twist to Ihde’s framework, we suggest an explanation for how ChatGPT itself—by virtue of its ability to ‘understand’ text upon ‘reading’ an input and ‘writing’ a meaningful output—necessarily acts as a kind of hermeneutic agent. Firstly, this radicalizes the classical anthropocentric conception of hermeneutics. Secondly, ChatGPT’s hermeneutic character carries a significant potential for performing how we perceive and relate to reality. Not only in the sense that ChatGPT can reify the idea that normative labels and categories alone are apt at representing the world. And, not only in the sense that ChatGPT can ossify particular ways of phrasing the world. But, perhaps more thought-provokingly so, also in the sense that ChatGPT can perform the human—at least to some extent—with ChatGPT’s own synthetically generated perception of reality.