Call for Papers in the Topical Collection: "Cyborg-Technology Relations"
This topical collection presents a philosophizing of cyborg-technology relations that takes account of disabled technology users. We’ve argued that “cyborg-technology relations” should go beyond epistemological limitations, universalizing implications, and traditional postphenomenological frames (Earle and Shew 2024). In our piece, we drew on agential realism (Barad, 2007) and care ethics (e.g. de la Bellacasa, 2017) to expand cyborg-technology relations in their ethico-onto-epistemological complexity and acknowledge that “[t]o be cyborg is to be forced to recognize the radical interdependence of your life, to take care as a matter of survival” (p.13). We seek papers that similarly expand the idea of cyborg-technology relations, especially those which come from lived experience and employ novel and creative philosophies and methodologies.