Implementing EUs Water Framework Directive in Norway
Can the New River Basin Districts Ensure Environmental Policy Integration?
Climate change adaptation, Policy innovation, Local government, Water framework directiveAbstract
This article is an empirical analysis of Norway’s implementation of the EU Water Framework
Directive. Aiming at achieving good environmental status in all of Europe’s waters by 2015, the
Directive is seen as a case of ‘environmental policy integration’ because it requires all relevant
branches of government to comply with the provisions of the directive. Norway is currently in
the process of finalizing the first comprehensive round of planning. Results from a survey in two
rounds to key actors indicate that some branches of government seem to have made less progress
than others in terms of achieving environmental policy integration. These differences are analyzed
by reference to variations in the institutional set-ups and regulatory mechanisms available
in each sector. The structural preconditions for effective environmental regulation appear to be
highly varied, and this may affect the potential for achieving the aims of the directive related to
all stressors to the aquatic environment.
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