Special issue: Water for Food in Deltas
Deltas are important food-producing water-rich areas with densely populated cities. Sustaining livelihoods now and in the future is increasingly under pressure by compounding challenges: population growth, urbanization, degradation of the environment, dietary change, and climate change. An integrated approach will be helpful to navigate this complexity. In this Special Issue, we bring together insights on food systems transitions in deltas from a water governance angle, with contributions by researchers from a variety of disciplinary and cultural backgrounds.
The introductory article by SI editor Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga, about to be published as part of the SI, introduces three methodological building blocks: a food system approach, co-creation of transition pathways, and scale-sensitive governance approaches aiming for an integrated approach, which assists to understand the articles in a wider context, thus contributing to an integrated approach and improving governance in water and food-stressed delta regions. More contributions are expected to appear online shortly.