Special Issue: Sesar Innovation Days 2023

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Since 2011 the SESAR Joint Undertaking and EUROCONTROL have jointly organised the SESAR Innovation Days which  have become one of the most important scientific conferences in air traffic management (ATM) research worldwide. The SIDs is an open conference with a specific focus on innovation and exploratory research. All submissions are triple peer-reviewed by a programme committee of senior researchers and 42 out of the original 74 submissions (57 percent) were selected for presentation at the conference. A number of exceptional contributions were identified by the programme committee as worthy of inclusion in a special journal issue and invited to submit a significantly enhanced and extended version of their original manuscript. The articles were subjected to another rigorous review and revision process in line with the editorial process of the European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. Eight manuscripts have been selected for the special edition of the EJTIR.

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