Roadmap for a European Open Science Alliance for ATM Research


Tatjana Bolic University of WestminsterAndrew Cook University of WestminsterRainer Koelle EUROCONTROL Enrico Spinielli EUROCONTROLQuinten Goens EUROCONTROLMartin Strohmeier OpenSky Network



Open science, open data, open code, open access, reproducibility, research community, ATM


To meet the future challenges of air transport and air traffic management (ATM), higher levels of transparency and access to the underlying data will be a key enabler.

We here propose an Open Science Alliance for ATM, advocating for open data in such a framework. The benefits of adopting an open science approach are to be found, inter alia, through the independent verification and validation of reported impacts/results and achieved performance levels, i.e., through reproducibility. We consider that this can only be achieved through: (1) open access to scientific methods and data utilised; (2) open access to (analytical) code and methods; (3) open review of reported analyses/research. The proper application of such practices will reduce the innovation cycles in ATM, which is much needed by industry and society. Steps for forming an Open Science Alliance for ATM are described. We propose further initial, specific recommendations for supporting open data and improved access for research.



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How to Cite

Bolic, T., Cook, A., Koelle, R., Spinielli, E., Goens, Q., & Strohmeier, M. (2024). Roadmap for a European Open Science Alliance for ATM Research. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 24(4), 18–40.



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