

  • Bert van Wee National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
  • Piet Rietveld Free University Amsterdam
  • Erik Verhoef Free University Amsterdam




Sustainable transport is the theme of the first issue of the European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. The issue contains four articles. Eriksen gives an overview of external costs of transport in Norway and includes costs of emissions to air, noise, traffic accidents, wear of infrastructure and congestion. He uses Willingness To Pay (WTP) methods. Stead focuses on the concept of decoupling and applies it to the transport sector. Using international statistical sources for all European countries and detailed data for the UK, this article explores the extent to which transport demand is currently linked with economic indicators (such as Gross Domestic Product and Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare) and examines whether this link has changed over time. Verhoef and Van Wee state that if the choice for a car type is influenced by status motives, as psychological literature indicates, current situation is not optimal: the optimum will be reached if a shift to more fuel efficient cars occurs. They also discuss related possible policy instruments. Annema and Van Wee describe the role of research in the process that led to the Dutch Kyoto related climate policy, and give suggestions for improvements in the role of research in such processes.



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How to Cite

van Wee, B., Rietveld, P., & Verhoef, E. (2000). Editorial. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, (1). https://doi.org/10.18757/ejtir.2000.0.1.3496




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