About the Journal

Footprint is an academic journal dedicated to publishing architecture and urban research. The journal promotes the creation and development – or revision - of conceptual frameworks and methods of inquiry. It is engaged in creating a body of critical and reflexive texts with a breadth and depth of thought which would enrich the architecture discipline and produce new knowledge, conceptual methodologies and original understandings.


Footprint 35 published


Footprint 35 is out now. Edited by Dulmini Perera and Samuel Koh, this issue is dedicated to "Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism".

The issue includes research articles by Maryia Rusak, Roi Salgueiro Barrio and Sasha McKinlay, Simon Weir and Sara Rich, and Joel P.W. Letkemann. It also contains review articles by Masamichi Tamura, Simon Sadler, Alan Díaz Alva, and Robert Alexander Gorny. The issue concludes with a visual essay by Diseño Detonante, and an interview with Yuk Hui by the issue editors.

Read more about Footprint 35 published

Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): Issue # 35 | Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism: Cosmologies, Technologies, Worlds
					View Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): Issue # 35 | Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism: Cosmologies, Technologies, Worlds

Footprint 35, 'Cosmotechnical Thinking in Architecture and Urbanism,’ explores the intersection between architecture, technology and cosmology. It does so by examining the concept of ‘cosmotechnics’, a term coined by the philosopher Yuk Hui, which suggests an irreducible connection between cosmology and technology. Cosmotechnics bears directly upon a range of architectural and urban issues, including debates on preservation, decolonialism, and environmental justice. The contributions to this issue expand on the theoretical and practical intersections between cosmotechnics and architecture. They do so by foregrounding the productive tension between the local and universal dimensions of technology, within the situated contexts of different cultures. Together, they highlight the challenges and possibilities of cosmotechnics as a project of reinvention.

Issue editors: Dulmini Perera and Samuel Koh

Published: 2025-02-10

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