Unweaving the Technique

Embroidering Autonomous Landscapes





Through a critical experience of reconstruction at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico,we present various ontological components that manifest as spe-cific cosmotechnics of this territory. These cosmotechni-cal manifestations enunciate singularity, resistance and emancipation. 

Author Biographies

Carolina Martínez Tolosa

Carolina Martínez Tolosa is a designer-filmmaker. She is mobilised and passionate about the ontological, political and transformative dimension of design, with a strong desire to situate design in a constellation of sociology, psychology, history and other knowledges and insights from outside the academy. She likes to imagine disobediences, and weave realities and fictions among others. She believes that caring practice is a powerful way to make theory.

Héctor Tabares Rodríguez

Hector Tabares Rodriguez is a filmmaker-designer. He says: questioning is the practice that has taught me the most, mainly because it destabilises and forces me to create other inhabitable bodies, like changing my skin while articulating experiences. I am interested in critical dialogues, dialogues that can be contaminated with other perceptions and knowledge.

Aura Cruz Aburto

Aura R. Cruz Aburto has a bachelor’s in architecture from Tec de Monterrey, a master’s degree in design, and she is a candidate for a doctorate in philosophy of science at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Aura considers herself a designer-philosopher, between art, design and philosophy. Her main research interest is in the power of emancipation of creative practices, such as design and art.


