

  • Footprint 35 published


    Footprint 35 is out now. Edited by Dulmini Perera and Samuel Koh, this issue is dedicated to "Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism".

    The issue includes research articles by Maryia Rusak, Roi Salgueiro Barrio and Sasha McKinlay, Simon Weir and Sara Rich, and Joel P.W. Letkemann. It also contains review articles by Masamichi Tamura, Simon Sadler, Alan Díaz Alva, and Robert Alexander Gorny. The issue concludes with a visual essay by Diseño Detonante, and an interview with Yuk Hui by the issue editors.

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  • Footprint 39: The Exhibition Effect and Beyond


    Esin Kömez Dağlıoğlu and Esra Kahveci are editing Footprint 39, dedicated to ‘The Exhibition Effect and Beyond’.

    Footprint 39 aims to probe the ‘exhibition effect’ and the uncharted territories beyond with audacity. By re-evaluating definitions of the exhibition as an event, a common ground, an activist agency, a power tool for publicising and legitimising architecture, and a means of collecting and revealing archives, the issue seeks to critically address the status of institutions involved in collecting and displaying, the privilege of visibility essential for exhibiting, the comforts and discomforts associated with possessing or lacking recorded archives, and the dynamics of curatorial networks.

    This call is open for both full articles (6000–8000 words) and review articles or visual essays (2000–4000 words). Authors of research articles are asked to submit their full contributions on Footprint’s online platform before 1 August 2025. Authors interested in contributing with review articles or visual essays should contact the editors before 1 August 2025 with an extended abstract of their proposal (500 words).

    Full articles will go through a double-blind peer review process, while the review articles will be evaluated by the editors. Footprint 39 will be published in the autumn of 2026.

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  • Footprint 34 published


    Footprint 34 is out now. Edited by Aleksandar Staničić and Angeliki Sioli, this issue is dedicated to "Narrating Shared Futures".

    The issue includes research articles by Hanna Musiol, Federico De Matteis, Samuel Holleran, Christos Papastergiou, and Aitor Frías-Sánchez, Joaquín Perailes-Santiago and Diego Jiménez-López. It also contains a review article by Lara Schrijver, visual essay by Michael Hirschbichler, and interview with Moira Crone by the issue editors.

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  • Footprint 38: Africa Dreams: Re-enchantment through Relational Ontologies


    Serah Calitz and Gert van der Merwe are editing Footprint 38, dedicated to ‘Africa Dreams: Re-enchantment through Relational Ontologies’.

    We call on authors to explore ‘African Dreams’ as sympoietic modes of intra-action with: 1) places, reflecting worlding practices or habitations, the techno-environmental production of Africa and Africa in the world (e.g. African diasporas and their relationalities), 2) artifacts, focusing on technicities (socio-technical operations) of becoming-with or making-with that allow for generative more-than-human encounters and new materialist socialities and 3) persons, engaging genealogies and biographies (e.g., historical figures, canonical texts) which flow through the milieu, collapsing past and present.

    Proposals for full and review articles will be evaluated by the editors in the form of abstracts, based on originality, methodological and conceptual clarity, pertinence, and contribution to the growth and development of knowledge on the subject. Abstracts must be submitted by 2 December 2024.

    Footprint 38 will be published in the spring of 2026.

    Read more about Footprint 38: Africa Dreams: Re-enchantment through Relational Ontologies
  • Footprint 33 published


    Footprint 33 is out now. Edited by Nikos Katsikis and Víctor Muñoz Sanz, this issue is dedicated to "Situating More-Than-Human Ecologies of Extended Urbanization".

    This issue includes research articles by Marina Otero Verzier, Ali Fard, Inês Vieira Rodrigues, Hans Hortig, and Charity Edwards. It also contains a review article by Katerina Labrou and Christos Montsenigos, and visual essays by Alexandra Arènes and Axelle Grégoire, and by Fuzzy Earth in collaboration with BÜRO imaginaire curator collective.

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  • Footprint 37: Architectural Theories, their Performance, Quality and Effect: An Appraisal


    This issue of Footprint asks if it is actually possible, useful, or even necessary to appraise theories of architecture. If so, what would be the purpose of their appraisal, who should do it, and when should it take place? If one considers, for example, that any theory of architecture is directed at the practice of architecture, should the former be evaluated through the latter? If so, how? And what would this mean, on the other hand, for theories that are deliberately formulated to dwell above practice? How can they be ‘judged’ — or don’t they have to be? Should we even expect theories of architecture to be appraisable?

    Proposals for full and review articles will be evaluated by the editors in the form of abstracts, based on originality, methodological and conceptual clarity, pertinence, and contribution to the growth and development of knowledge on the subject. Abstracts must be submitted by 3 May 2024.

    Footprint 37 will be published in the autumn of 2025.

    Read more about Footprint 37: Architectural Theories, their Performance, Quality and Effect: An Appraisal
  • Footprint 36: Who’s Stupid Now: Architecture, Intelligence and Transdisciplinarity


    Stavros Kousoulas and Andrej Radman are editing Footprint 36, dedicated to ‘Who’s Stupid Now: Architecture, Intelligence and Transdisciplinarity’.

    Footprint 36 seeks to explore architectural technicities that overcome poorly defined problems and reinvigorate (post)critical thinking, requiring a transdisciplinary mode of operation that breaks with the anti-intellectualist tradition of specialisation, professionalisation, and knowledge fragmentation. Rather than focusing on the essentialist question of what architectural intelligence is, Footprint 36 is interested in the pragmatics of how it occurs, who institutes it, and through which technicities it is archived and disseminated. This call is open for both full articles (6000–8000 words) and review articles or visual essays (2000–4000 words). Authors of research articles are asked to submit their full contributions on Footprint’s online platform before 31 March 2024. Authors interested in contributing with review articles or visual essays should contact the editors before 31 March 2024 with an extended abstract of their proposal (500 words).

    Full articles will go through a double-blind peer review process, while the review articles will be evaluated by the editors. Footprint 36 will be published in the spring of 2025.

    Read more about Footprint 36: Who’s Stupid Now: Architecture, Intelligence and Transdisciplinarity
  • Footprint 32 published


    Footprint 32 is out now. Edited by Dirk van den Heuvel and Nelson Mota, this issue is dedicated to "Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in the Digital Age".

    This issue includes an introductory essay by Antoine Picon and research articles by Fredrik Torrison, Sotirios Kotsopoulos and Jason Nawyn, Lörinc Vass, Roy Cloutier and Nicole Sylvia, Georgios Eftaxiopoulos and María Álvarez García. It also contains review articles by Marija Marić and Renzo Sgolacchia.

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  • Footprint 35: Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism: Cosmologies, Technologies, Worlds


    Dulmini Perera and Sam Koh are editing Footprint 35, dedicated to ‘Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism: Cosmologies, Technologies, Worlds’.

    Cosmotechnical thinking presents a direct challenge to universalist ideas of technology perpetuated by Western modernity and is a framework apt to advance the projects of decolonial thought, drawing attention to how certain epistemological and ontological assumptions embedded in technology are exported, internalised, reproduced and thus legitimated through processes of modernisation and globalisation. The fields of architecture and urbanism have yet to adequately reflect upon the ways in which they are implicated in cultivating or suppressing alternative kinds of technological thought and practice. We invite contributions that aim to critically expand the purview of architectural and urban discourse to address the contemporary discussions of technology and plurality. This call is open for both full articles (6000–8000 words) and review articles or visual essays (2000–4000 words). Authors of research articles are asked to submit their contributions on Footprint’s online platform before 15 August 2023. Authors interested in contributing with review articles or visual essays should contact the editors before 15 August 2023 with an extended abstract of their proposal (500 words).

    Full articles will go through a double-blind peer review process, while the review articles will be evaluated by the editors. Footprint 35 will be published in the autumn of 2024.

    Read more about Footprint 35: Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism: Cosmologies, Technologies, Worlds
  • Footprint 31 published


    Footprint 31 is out now. This issue, edited by Jorge Mejía Hernández and Esin Komez Daglioglu, is dedicated to the theme "Open Architecture: Tradition, Possibilities and Shortcomings".

    This issue includes research articles by Esra Akcan; Sebastiano Fabbrini; Armando Rabaça; Ezgi İşbilen; Xavier van Rooyen; Başak Uçar and Pelin Yoncacı Arslan; and Konstantinos Apostolidis. It also includes review articles by Nina Stener Jørgenson and Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi; Ecem Sarıçayır; and Alberto Geuna and Claudia Mainardi.

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  • Footprint 34: Narrating Shared Futures


    Aleksandar Staničić and Angeliki Sioli are editing Footprint 34, dedicated to ‘Narrating Shared Futures’.

    By combining the study of cultural heritage and literature within an architectural framework, in this issue of Footprint we wish to examine how the past, present and future are constantly being made in the now through both literary and design techniques. We invite contributors to discuss past stories, analyse and examine present narratives, and imagine and suggest future scenarios, all in relation with selected places of heritage and literary works. Proposals for full, peer-reviewed articles (6000–8000 words) and review articles and visual essays (2000–4000 words) will be evaluated by the editors in the form of abstracts (max. 1000 words for full articles, max. 500 words for review articles and visual essays) submitted by 3 December 2022. The authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to develop their contributions by 6 March 2023.

    Full articles go through a double-blind peer review process, while review articles are evaluated by the editors. Footprint 34 will be published in the Spring of 2024.

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  • Footprint 30 published


    Footprint 30 is out now. Edited by Robert A. Gorny and Andrej Radman, this issue is dedicated to ‘The Epiphylogenetic Turn and Architecture: In (Tertiary) Memory of Bernard Stiegler.’ 

    It includes research articles by Claire M. Colebrook, Georgios Tsagdis, Jacob Vangeest, Davide Landi and Tim Gough. It also contains review articles by Gökhan Kodalak, Stavros Kousoulas and Chris L. Smith; an interview with Antoinette Rouvroy by Lila Athanasiadou and Goda Klumbytė; as well as visual essays by Agnieszka Anna Wołodźko and Setareh Noorani.

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  • Footprint 29 published


    Footprint 29 is out now. This issue, edited by Salomon Frausto and Léa-Catherine Szacka, is dedicated to the theme "The Architecture of Populism: Media, Politics and Aesthetics".

    This issue includes research articles by Stephen Trüby; Gabriel Cuéllar and Athar Mufreh; Jesse Honsa; Pierre Chabard; Rachel Julia Engler; Dennis Pohl; and Owen Hopkins. It also includes a review article by Sophie Suma. Visual essays by Mari Lending; Elena Markus and Nina Frolova. The issue closes with an interview with Mary McLeod.

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  • Footprint 33: Situating More-Than-Human Ecologies of Extended Urbanisation


    Víctor Muñoz Sanz and Nikos Katsikis are editing Footprint 33, dedicated to ‘Situating More-Than-Human Ecologies of Extended Urbanisation’.

    This issue of Footprint aims to explore the spatial implications of technological transformations found across those operational landscapes of primary production (agriculture, resource extraction) that constitute the metabolic basis of urbanisation. We welcome contributions around three sub-themes focusing on: (1) multiscalar processes of operationalisation, producing landscapes of extended urbanisation, with a focus on primary production and circulation; (2) situated entanglements of technology, questioning assemblages of human and more-than-human work with particular landscapes and architectures; (3) design investigations of automated landscapes of extended urbanisation, deciphering their physical and material configurations.

    Proposals for full, peer-reviewed articles (6000–8000 words) and review articles and visual essays (2000–4000 words) will be evaluated by the editors in the form of abstracts (max. 1000 words for full articles, max. 500 words for review articles and visual essays) submitted by 22 April 2022. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to develop their contributions by 2 September 2022.

    Full articles go through a double-blind peer review process, while review articles are evaluated by the editors. Footprint 33 will be published in the autumn of 2023.

    Read more about Footprint 33: Situating More-Than-Human Ecologies of Extended Urbanisation
  • Footprint 32: Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in the Digital Age


    The Call for Contributions for Footprint 32 is out now. 

    Nelson Mota and Dirk van den Heuvel will be the editors of this issue, dedicated to ‘Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in the Digital Age.’ In this issue of Footprint we aim to rethink the architecture of dwelling in the digital age, taking into account the current attributes of the everlasting housing crisis, the realities of global economies, the disruptive techno-infrastructure supporting it, and the profoundly ecological precarity of contemporary housing policies influencing dwelling practices worldwide. This issue welcomes contributions that address localised practices and examples, combining theoretical reflection and speculation with design positions. Proposals for full articles (6000–8000 words) and review articles (2000–4000 words) will be evaluated by the editors in the form of abstracts (max. 1000 words for full articles, max. 500 words for review articles) submitted by 3 December 2021. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to develop their contributions by 6 March 2022.

    Full articles will go through a double-blind peer review process, while review articles will be evaluated by the editors. Footprint 32 will be published in the Spring of 2023.

    Read more about Footprint 32: Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in the Digital Age
  • Footprint 28 Published


    Footprint 28 is out now. This issue, edited by Stavros Kousoulas and Dulmini Perera, is dedicated to the theme "All is in Formation: Architecture, Cybernetics, Ecology".

    This issue includes research articles by Christian Girard; Rachel Armstrong and Rolf Hughes; Tanja Herdt; Tim Gough; Contingent Collective; Zach Mellas; and Tewfik Hammoudi. It also includes review articles by Liz Gálvez; Iris Giannakopoulou Karamouzi; and Juliana Yat Shun Kei. The issue closes with a dialogue between Jon Goodbun and Ben Sweeting.

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  • Footprint 31: Open Architecture: Tradition, Possibilities and Shortcomings


    The Call for Contributions for Footprint 31 is out now. 

    Jorge Mejía and Esin Komez Daglioglu will be the editors of this issue, dedicated to ‘Open Architecture: Tradition, Possibilities, and Shortcomings.’ This issue of Footprint intends to produce and develop knowledge on the ways in which architecture can be open in structural, procedural, performative and/or conceptual terms; and welcomes contributions that critically and creatively study past, present and future open architectures by defining their utility and value (or the lack thereof), explaining the methodological advantages and disadvantages of their use, or justifying alternative conceptualisations for their nature. Proposals for full articles (6000–8000 words) and review articles (2000–4000 words) will be evaluated by the editors in the form of abstracts (max. 1000 words for full articles, max. 500 words for review articles) submitted by 3 May 2021. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to develop their contributions by 6 September 2021.

    Full articles will go through a double-blind peer review process, while review articles will be evaluated by the editors. Footprint 31 will be published in the autumn of 2022.


    Read more about Footprint 31: Open Architecture: Tradition, Possibilities and Shortcomings
  • Footprint 27 published


    Footprint 27 is out now. This issue, edited by Aleksandar Staničić, Marc Schoonderbeek, Heidi Sohn and Armina Pilav, is dedicated to the theme "Conflict Mediations".

    This issue includes research articles by Eliyahu Keller, Mark Jarzombek and Eytan Mann; Gökçe Önal; Melina Philippou; Noa Roei; Lutz Robbers; and Ahmad Beydoun. It also includes visual essays by Omar Mismar; The Center for Land Use Interpretation (CLUI); and Katarina Andjelković.

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  • Extended deadline for Footprint 30 "Epiphylogenetic Turn and Architecture: In (Tertiary) Memory of Stiegler".


    Robert A. Gorny and Andrej Radman will be the editors of this issue, devoted to revisiting the built environment as middling between individuating technical ensembles and niche construction processes. It offers a platform to the transdisciplinary field of posthuman scholarship dealing with existential niches from a technological angle and the concomitant architectural thought that advances such speculative recasting.

    Authors of full articles (6000–8000 words) are requested to submit their contributions to the editors before 15 March 2021. Full articles will go through a double blind peer-review process. Review articles (2000–4000 words) will be selected by editors on the basis of a short summary (maximum 500 words) to be submitted before 15 March 2021. We kindly refer authors to Footprint Author Guidelines, available at:

    Footprint 30 will be published in Spring/Summer 2022. For correspondence please contact editors Robert A. Gorny and Andrej Radman at

    Read more about Extended deadline for Footprint 30 "Epiphylogenetic Turn and Architecture: In (Tertiary) Memory of Stiegler".
  • Footprint 26 published


    Footprint 26 is out now. This issue, edited by Jorge Mejía Hernández and Cathelijne Nuijsink, is dedicated to the theme "The Architecture Competition as Contact Zone: Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges".

    This issue includes research articles by Bénédicte Zimmermann; Bruno Gil, Susana Lobo and José Ribau Esteves; Carmela Cucuzzella; Jean-Pierre Chupin; Véronique Biau, Jodelle Zetlaoui-Léger and Bendicht Weber. This issue also includes review articles by Torsten Lange; Federico Ortiz; and Hamish Lonergan, as well as an interview with Sarah Williams Goldhagen .

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  • Footprint 29: The Architecture of Populism: Media, Politics, and Aesthetics


    The Call for Contributions for Footprint 29 is out now.

    Léa-Catherine Szacka and Salomon Frausto will be the editors of this issue, dedicated to the theme "The Architecture of Populism: Media, Politics, and Aesthetics ". This issue of Footprint seeks to explore new interpretations of the architectural ramification of populism intended as a political approach and strategy that strives to appeal to ‘common’ men or women who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elites and intellectuals. This call is open for full articles (6000–8000 words) as well as for review articles (2000 – 4000 words) and visual essays (2000 words, 2 – 5 images) that offer insight into the relation between architecture and populism. Full articles must be submitted on Footprint’s online platform before 1 November 2020 and will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Authors interested in contributing review articles or visual essays should contact the editors before 1 November 2020 with an extended abstract of their proposal (500 words). The editors will select from the proposed review articles based on thematic relevance, innovativeness and evidence of an explorative academic level. A guide to Footprint’s preferred editorial and reference style is available at

    Footprint 29 will be published in Autumn 2021. For submissions and inquiries, please contact editors Léa-Catherine Szacka and Salomon Frausto at

    Read more about Footprint 29: The Architecture of Populism: Media, Politics, and Aesthetics
  • Footprint 25 published


    Footprint 25 is out now. This issue, edited by Víctor Muñoz Sanz and Dan Handel, is dedicated to the theme "The Human, Conditioned".

    This issue includes research articles by Sandra Kaji-O’Grady and Sarah Manderson, Nina Stener Jørgensen, Fredrik Torisson, and Phillip Denny. This issue also includes visual essays by Andreas Rumpfhuber, Elizabeth Gálvez, and Nitzan Zilberman.

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  • Presentation of Footprint 24, Thursday 10 October 2019 in Delft


    The latest Footprint, issue 24 "The Architecture of Housing after the Neoliberal Turn" will be presented on 10 October 2019, at 16:30, integrated in the program of the seminar "Housing the Urban Invisibles", held in the Berlage Room, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft.

    Footprint 24 will be presented by the editors of this issue, Nelson Mota and Yael Allweil, and one of the contributors, Dirk van den Heuvel.

    Read more about Presentation of Footprint 24, Thursday 10 October 2019 in Delft
  • Footprint 24 published


    Footprint 24 is out now. This issue, edited by Nelson Mota and Yael Allweil is dedicated to the theme "The Architecture of Housing after the Neoliberal Turn".

    This issue includes research articles by Corinna Anderson, Claire Harper, Susanne Schindler, Zihao Wong and Florian Urban, and review articles by Dirk van den Heuvel and Cathelijne Nuijsink. This issue also includes a visual essay by Golnar Abbasi and an interview to Josep Maria Montaner by David H. Falagán.

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  • Footprint 26: The Architecture Competition as ‘Contact Zone’ – Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges


    The Call for Contributions for Footprint 26 is out now. 

    Cathelijne Nuijsink and Jorge Mejía will be the editors of this issue, dedicated to the theme "The Architecture Competition as ‘Contact Zone’ – Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges". This issue of Footprint will study different modalities of the architecture competition, and the ways in which the actors and stakeholders involved in them have collectively produced architecture knowledge. This call is open for full articles (6000–8000 words) as well as for review articles (2000 – 4000 words) that offer important insight into the topic of architecture competitions as ‘contact zones’. Full articles must be submitted on Footprint’s online platform before 3 June 2019, and will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Authors interested in contributing review articles should contact the editors before 20 May 2019 with an extended abstract of their proposal (500 words). The editors will select from the proposed review articles based on thematic relevance, innovativeness and evidence of an explorative academic level. A guide to Footprint’s preferred editorial and reference style is available at 

    All research articles will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Footprint 26 will be published in Spring 2020. For submissions and inquiries, please contact editors Cathelijne Nuijsink and Jorge Mejía at

    Read more about Footprint 26: The Architecture Competition as ‘Contact Zone’ – Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges
  • Footprint 25: The Human, Conditioned


    The Call for Contributions for Footprint 25 is out now. Dan Handel and Víctor Muñoz Sanz will be the editors of this issue, dedicated to the theme ‘The Human, Conditioned’. This issue of Footprint seeks to highlight spaces of radical conditioning, in which humans have to operate in accordance with the logic of industrial economy and technology. We welcome original research articles (6000–8000 words), review articles and visual essays that address the issues stated in the Call for Contributions and related questions through theoretical and historiographical explorations, and transdisciplinary and innovative research methods. Authors of research articles are requested to submit their contributions on Footprint’s online platform before 15 January 2019. The submissions should adhere to Footprint’s submission preparation checklist and author guidelines, available at

    All research articles will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Footprint 25 will be published in the autumn of 2019. For inquiries, please contact editors Dan Handel and Víctor Muñoz Sanz at

    Read more about Footprint 25: The Human, Conditioned
  • Footprint 24: The Architecture of Housing after the Neoliberal Turn


    The Call for Papers for Footprint 24 is out now. Nelson Mota and Yael Allweil will be the editors of this issue, dedicated to the theme "The Architecture of Housing after the Neoliberal Turn". This issue of Footprint aims at examining how the housing policies that unfolded since the 1980s have contributed to re-theorise the architecture of dwelling as a social and spatial practice. This issue welcomes original research articles (6000–8000 words) that can contribute to define a new concept of housing after the neoliberal turn, exploring case studies, theoretical frameworks, research methods and analytical instruments. Authors of research articles are requested to submit their contributions on Footprint’s online platform before 1 May, 2018. The submissions should adhere to Footprint’s submission preparation checklist and author’s guidelines, available at

    All research articles will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Footprint 24 will be published in the Spring of 2019. For inquiries, please contact editors Nelson Mota and Yael Allweil at

    Read more about Footprint 24: The Architecture of Housing after the Neoliberal Turn