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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript submitted for publication in Footprint is written in English (British English spelling is preferred) and it has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments for the Editor).

  • The submission file is in .doc or .docx format.

  • The length of the manuscript adheres to Footprint's guidelines for authors (or an explanation has been provided in Comments for the Editor):

    A Full paper should be 6000-8000 words long, incl. endnotes.

    A review article should be 2000-4000 words long, incl. endnotes.

  • Manuscript Organisation

    The preparation of the Manuscript complies with Footprint's policy to ensure an Anonymous Peer Review. The sections of the manuscript are organized in the following order:

    A - The title page
    i) Title of the manuscript (concise and informative)

    ii) Abstract of 200 words (max.);

    iii) A maximum of 6 (six) keywords.

    B - Main text
    C - Captions to figures and tables

    D - Bibliography
    E - Endnotes (presented according to Footprint's style guidelines).

Author Guidelines

Articles submitted for review for possible publication in an issue of Footprint should adhere to Footprint’s submission preparation checklist and the following author guidelines.

Please note that Footprint publishes only contributions that are submitted in response to a call for contributions.

The current call for contributions can be found in the announcements.


1. Manuscript preparation


The manuscript should be uploaded through Footprint's online journal management system.

To submit click here.


Manuscripts submitted for publication in Footprint are accepted in English only.

Please read the style guidelines.


Please submit the manuscript in .doc or .docx format.


Authors should prepare the manuscript using a Windows-available serif font (such as Times or Cambria), size 10,5, 1,5 line spacing.


The manuscript of an article should be 6 000–8 000 words long, incl. endnotes.

A review article should be 2 000–4 000 words long, incl. endnotes.

In certain cases the editors accept different formats (visual essays, book reviews, exhibition reviews or interviews).


We require abstracts of 200 words (max.) for all manuscripts submitted.

In addition to the abstract, the manuscript should include up to 6 keywords.


Manuscripts should be prepared in order to comply with the journal's policy to ensure an Anonymous Peer Review.

Authors should eliminate from their manuscript all references that might allow the reviewers to identify them (such as ‘In my previous research...’ followed by a note referring to the author's previously published work).


The author's identification and a formatted list of references for works cited in the submission should be provided in step 3 (Enter Metadata) of the submission process on Footprint's online journal management system.


Figure(s) and/or table(s) should also be uploaded individually on Footprint's online journal management system, in step 2 (Upload Submission > Upload File > Article Component > Figure).

The filenames should be descriptive of the graphic (e.g. Figure1, Table 1.)


The author's identification and a formatted list of references for works cited in the submission should be provided in step 3 (Enter Metadata) of the submission process on Footprint's online journal management system.


Figures and/or tables should also be uploaded individually on Footprint's online journal management system, in step 2 (Upload Submission > Upload File > Article Component > Figure).

The filenames should be descriptive of the graphic (e.g. Figure1, Table 1.)


2. Style Guidelines

As a style guide, Footprint employs the Chicago Manual of Style, with the exception that we prefer British spelling and punctuation.


2.1 Spelling

We prefer British spelling with -ise word endings (e.g. organise rather than organize).


2.2 Punctuation

We prefer British punctuation, an overview of which can be found in the Oxford University Style Guide. The most important points to keep in mind are the following:

  • For quotations, use single quotation marks, and double quotation marks when including a quote within a quote.
  • Punctuation marks that do not form part of the original quotation are placed outside of the quotation marks.
  • The first word of a quotation may be changed to a capital letter without indicating it with square brackets. 
  • Text omitted from a quotation is indicated with ellipses, without added spaces. The ellipses need not be placed in square brackets. It is not necessary to start or end a quotation with ellipses if the first or last part of the sentence is omitted.
  • The n-dash, not the hyphen, is used as a substitute for the word ‘to’, for example in ranges of dates or pages. 
  • After a colon, the sentence continues in the lower case.


2.3 Numbers


Use a space to separate thousands (23 000) and a decimal point (16.5).


Whole numbers from zero to one hundred are written out, as are multiples by hundreds and thousands of those numbers (five hundred; seventy-two thousand).


Percentages are rendered as numerals, with ‘per cent’ written out (57 per cent).


2.4 Formatting


Indent the first line of each paragraph, except when that paragraph follows a heading or a block quotation.


Use the title case for the titles of articles and sentence case for sub-headings.


Please indent quotations longer than 40 words as a block, and start the subsequent paragraph without indenting the first line.


We strongly discourage the use of epigraphs.

A motto or epigraph, if used, should go at the beginning of an article, not its subsections.

Indent the motto as for a block quote; do not use quotation marks.

In the following line, add the full name of the author, followed by the title of the source.

It is through and in media that we grasp earth as an object for cognitive, practical, and affective relations. 

Jussi Parikka, A Geology of Media1

In the note, provide the usual bibliographic information.


2.5 Citation

We use the short form citation system as described in the Chicago Manual of Style.

See Section 6 for for some examples from the Chicago Manual.


At first mention of a source, provide full bibliographic information in a note. In subsequent notes, use a shortened version. If  a note refers to the same work as the preceding note, the abbreviation ‘ibid.’ (from ibidem, ‘in the same place’) is used. For example:  

  1. Samuel A. Morley, Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: The Impact of Adjustment and Recovery (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995), 24–25.
  2. Regina M. Schwartz, “Nationals and Nationalism: Adultery in the House of David,” Critical Inquiry 19, no. 1 (1992): 131–32.
  3. Morley, Poverty and Inequality, 43.
  4. Ibid., 44.


Avoid the use of ‘op. cit.’


If using the Endnote programme in compiling notes, please break the link to notes your Word document before submitting the final typescript.


The note reference number goes at the end of the sentence, outside of all punctuation marks.

If there are more than one references to a sentence, include them in a single note.

Multiple sources in a single note are separated with semicolons.


3. Figures and illustrations


The figures and illustrations should have an appropriate resolution:

1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour, saved as one of the following formats: TIFF or JPEG.


The image files must be uploaded individually as ‘supplementary files’ in Footprint's online journal management system.


When referringto an illustration in your text, place ‘Fig.’ and the number of the illustration within rectangular brackets, after the end of the sentence. [Fig. 1].

Alternatively, integrate the reference to the figure into the text: e.g. ‘In figure 3, we can clearly see…’


Number all figures in the order in which they appear in the manuscript (e.g. fig. 1, fig. 2).

Figure captions must always include the source. In multi-part figures, each part should be labeled (e.g. Figure 1(a), Figure 1(b)).


The filename for a graphic should be descriptive of the graphic, e.g. Figure1, Figure2a.


Securing permission to publish illustrations under copyright is the responsibility of the author.

The author will be asked to sign a form guaranteeing that all permissions have been received for publishing the material.


4. Checklist before submitting for copyediting

  • Are sources correctly formatted in the Chicago Manual shortened-title style?
  • Are note references placed at the end of the sentence, only one note per sentence?
  • Are figures clearly and correctly indicated?
  • Is the manuscript written in British English with -ise endings?


5. Examples of source citations

Each example shows first the full citation and second the abbreviated version.

All examples are from The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, 2017, and adapted to conform to Footprint’s use of British punctuation style.


Book with single author or editor

  1. Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012), 87–88.
  2. Strayed, Wild, 261, 265.


A book with an editor in place of an author includes the abbreviation ed. (editor; for more than one editor, use eds.).

Note that the shortened form does not include ed.

  1. Meghan Daum, ed., Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids (New York: Picador, 2015), 32.
  2. Daum, Selfish, 134–35.


Book with multiple authors

  1. Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015), 188.
  2. Grazer and Fishman, Curious Mind, 190.

For a book with three authors, adapt as follows:

  1. Alexander Berkman, Henry Bauer, and Carl Nold, Prison Blossoms: Anarchist Voices from . . .
  2. Berkman, Bauer, and Nold, Prison Blossoms. . .


Book with author plus editor or translator

  1. Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera, trans. Edith Grossman (London: Cape, 1988), 242–55.
  2. García Márquez, Cholera, 33.


Chapter in an edited book

  1. Glenn Gould, ‘Streisand as Schwarzkopf’, in The Glenn Gould Reader, ed. Tim Page (New York: Vintage Books, 1984), 310.
  2. Gould, ‘Streisand as Schwarzkopf,’ 309.

Note that ‘ed.’ here abbreviates ‘edited by’; it remains thus regardless of the number of editors.


Journal article

  1. Benjamin Bagley, ‘Loving Someone in Particular’, Ethics 125, no. 2 (January 2015): 484–85.
  2. Bagley, ‘Loving Someone in Particular’, 501.


The following example is of an article consulted online; a DOI, if available, is preferred to a URL. If the date of publication is provided, the last access date may be omitted.

  1. Jui-Ch’i Liu, ‘Beholding the Feminine Sublime: Lee Miller’s War Photography’, Signs 40, no. 2 (Winter 2015): 311,
  2. Liu, ‘Beholding the Feminine Sublime’, 312.

Review article



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