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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript must be prepared with the LaTex template provide by JOAS. (Word documents are not accepted)
    Use Overleaf Template or LaTex Source
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • In "Open data statement" section, dataset supporting the research is already be openly accessible.
  • In the "Reproducibility statement" section, source code and tools supporting the research is described.
  • If the paper has more than one author, the CRediT section is included,
  • You will submit: 1) a PDF of the manuscript, and 2) a zip file of the latex folder containing all the source files.
  • IMPORTANT: Your article will be openly peer reviewed. We will:
    1) make your submission online for open review
    2) share authors and reviewers identities
    3) provide fullly open discussions between authors, reviewers, and editors
    2) publish review and response content once the paper is published
    4) allow post-publication comments

Research article

You will submit an general research paper. The following policies apply:

1. If a dataset is used in the paper, it should be openly accessible. Otherwise, an open alternative should be provided. (The open alternative can be: different open data sources with the same features, anonymized datasets, or synthetic datasets)
2. If applicable, we request to openly share the source code related to the core methodology. For example, this can be in the form of Python notebooks shared on GitHub.
3. Editor or reviewers have can request the code to be open for along the paper publication.


Research article, with focus on open data

You will submit a data article. The following policies apply:

1. You must be one of the curators of the dataset.
2. The paper should demonstrate the significance of this open dataset.
3. The paper should at least describe the following: sources of data, methodology for obtaining the data, data processing steps, limitations, and application of the dataset.
4. The dataset must already be publically shared on a data repository before the submission of the paper, under a CC-BY license. Example repository are:  4TU.ResearchData (recommended), Zenodo, and Figshare.

Research article, with focus on open software

You will submit a software article. The following policies apply:

1. You must be one of the major creators of the software.
2. The paper should demonstrate the significance of this open software/library.
3. The paper should at least describe methodology, limitations, and applications of the software/library.
4. The software/library must already be publically shared with an open-source license.
5. The software/tool must be publically shared (i.e., users can freely download without request). We recommend the use of GitHub
6. We recommend the use of Docker environment to facilitate the management of library dependencies.

Re-science article

You will submit a research paper that reproduces an existing research. The following policies apply:

1. The existing research can be journal papers or conference publications
2. The paper must include assessment, recommendation, and critics (if any) of the original paper
3. You must openly share your code and data used for re-producing the paper

OpenSky Symposium

Only accepted abstract are invited to submit a paper to this section:

1. If a dataset is used in the paper, it should be openly accessible. Otherwise, an open alternative should be provided. (The open alternative can be: different open data sources with the same features, anonymized datasets, or synthetic datasets)

2. If applicable, we request to openly share the source code related to the core methodology. For example, this can be in the form of Python notebooks shared on GitHub.

3. Editor or reviewers have could request the code to be open for along the paper publication.

4. In case of doubt because some of the data or software used in the study can’t be made open, please contact the conference chair.



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.