Investigation of user needs for driver assistance

results of an Internet questionnaire


  • Cornelie van Driel Applications of Integrated Driver Assistance (AIDA) Centre for Transport Studies, University of Twente
  • Bart van Arem Applications of Integrated Driver Assistance (AIDA) Centre for Transport Studies, University of Twente



Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) aim at supporting the driver with the driving task and are expected to lead to a safer, cleaner and more efficient and comfortable transport system. This paper presents the results of an Internet questionnaire among more than 1000 Dutch car drivers. Respondents indicated their needs for driver assistance with certain driving tasks and situations. It appeared that warnings for downstream traffic conditions and traffic in blind spots were favoured. Apparently, the needs for warnings for downstream traffic conditions on motorways significantly differed from the needs for other driver support functions. Moreover, drivers preferred the ideal system to help them with critical situations (i.e. imminent crash and reduced visibility) and car following on motorways to other driving tasks and situations. Characteristics of the driver, system and traffic scene affected the needs for driver support. Besides, these needs indicated consequences for the integration of driver assistance. Driver support functions should exchange information to extend their individual fields of activity, for example by inter-vehicle communication (e.g. warning for downstream traffic conditions) or sensor data fusion (e.g. warning for an imminent crash).


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How to Cite

van Driel, C., & van Arem, B. (2005). Investigation of user needs for driver assistance: results of an Internet questionnaire. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 5(4).



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