

  • Dick van Gameren TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Harald Mooij TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Olv Klijn TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment



Een groeiend bewustzijn om duurzamer met grondstoffen en sociaal kapitaal om te gaan, zet de transformatie van de bestaande woningvoorraad als belangrijke opgave in de agenda van ontwikkelaars en architecten. In Nederland is de aandacht daarbij vooral gericht op de naoorlogse woningbouw, die alleen al om technische redenen aan een onderhoudsbeurt toe is.

Maar de opgave is niet alleen technisch van aard: veranderde woonwensen maken bestaande woningen qua grootte en indeling ongeschikt, terwijl de gebouwen vanuit duurzaamheid, praktische of culturele redenen het behouden waard zijn. Interessanter wordt het, wanneer bovendien een werkelijk ander woonprogramma wordt gevraagd, voor andere doelgroepen. In de ‘botsing’ tussen oude en nieuwe programma’s komen maatschappelijke veranderingen ineens als gestolde tijdsbeelden naar voren.

Ook op het niveau van de stad, of zoiets ongrijpbaars als ‘het geheugen van de stad’ kan transformatie als alternatief voor sloop/ nieuwbouw een positief effect teweegbrengen.

Biografieën auteurs

Dick van Gameren, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

Dick van Gameren  is dean and full professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology, and partner at Mecanoo architecten in Delft, the Netherlands. Combining his work as an architect with a professorship, Van Gameren maintains a critical approach to design by lecturing, researching and publishing. In 2007, Van Gameren won the prestigious Aga Kahn Award for the design of the Dutch Embassy in Ethiopia. In 2008, Van Gameren founded the book series DASH (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing) and is since then editor in chief. At TU Delft. He leads the Global Housing Study Centre and is also board member of the Archiprix foundation, of the Jaap Bakema Study Centre in Rotterdam and of the Amsterdam based AMS Institute. He is also a member of the TU Delft Global Initiative Steering Committee

Harald Mooij, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

Harald Mooij studied architecture and building technology at Delft University of Technology and at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV). He is an architect in The Hague and is currently involved in various projects, including housing. He has been a lecturer and researcher at Delft University of Technology in the Chair of Architecture and Dwelling since 2004. He writes regularly for professional journals in the Netherlands and abroad, is co-editor of DASH and co-author of the book Housing Design: A Manual, published in 2008 (English edition in 2011).

Olv Klijn, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

Olv Klijn is Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology and founder and partner of FABRICations. Klijn studied architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology and graduated Cum Laude. Klijn has written articles for various architecture magazines, including de Architect, and worked as a junior architect for OMA in Rotterdam. Klijn is (co) author of various books such as VMX Agenda, 10 x Den Bosch, Station Centraal, Architect by accident and The making of ... After founding FABRICations in 2007 with Eric Frijters, he has been involved in the design and research of architecture, urban design and regional strategies. In 2010, FABRICations won the first prize in the Prix de Rome Architecture.  In 2011, Klijn was recognized as one of the 40 emerging European architects under the age of 40. A year later he was nominated for the Iakov Chernikhov International Architecture Prize.





van Gameren, D., Mooij, H., & Klijn, O. (2020). Redactioneel. DASH | Delft Architectural Studies on Housing, 9(14), 1–3.