Plandocumentatie Samen bouwen


  • Dick van Gameren TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Annenies Kraaij Amsterdam Academy of Architecture
  • Pierijn van der Putt TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment



In de plandocumentatie van deze achtste uitgave van DASH zijn 11 projecten opgenomen die tot stand kwamen op basis van collectief particulier opdrachtgeverschap. Verspreid over Europa en Noord-Amerika bieden de projecten een panoramisch overzicht over de afgelopen 100 jaar. Het betreft de resultaten van particuliere initiatieven om samen met medestanders eigen woningen te bouwen. De projecten onttrekken zich vaak op uiteenlopende manieren aan de gebruikelijke productie van woningen. De motieven van de initiatiefnemers lopen sterk uiteen en zijn nooit eenduidig. Romantische idealen van een leven in de vrije natuur kunnen hand in hand gaan met de gedachte door samenwerking financieel voordeel te behalen.

Biografieën auteurs

Dick van Gameren, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

Dick van Gameren is dean and full professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology, and partner at Mecanoo architecten in Delft, the Netherlands. Combining his work as an architect with a professorship, Van Gameren maintains a critical approach to design by lecturing, researching and publishing. In 2007, Van Gameren won the prestigious Aga Kahn Award for the design of the Dutch Embassy in Ethiopia. In 2008, Van Gameren founded the book series DASH (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing) and is since then editor in chief. At TU Delft. He leads the Global Housing Study Centre and is also board member of the Archiprix foundation, of the Jaap Bakema Study Centre in Rotterdam and of the Amsterdam based AMS Institute. He is also a member of the TU Delft Global Initiative Steering Committee.

Annenies Kraaij, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture

Annenies Kraaij studied urban design and public housing at Delft University of Technology. After graduation she worked for various clients on design commissions in inner-city as well as expansion areas. Since 1989 she has worked as an urban design project designer on a number of large-scale local development projects in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In addition she has taught at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture and published various journal articles and books. She produced many of the photo reports for DASH.

Pierijn van der Putt, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

Pierijn van der Putt (Eindhoven, 1973) studied Architecture at Delft University of Technology, the University of Illinois in Chicago and Drexel University in Philadelphia. He worked as an editor for Dutch architectural magazine de Architect for seven years before returning to Delft. There, in addition to being an editor for DASH (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing), he teaches academic research and architectural design for the group of Architecture and Dwelling. His particular interest lies in creative writing and in improving academic writing skills.





van Gameren, D., Kraaij, A., & van der Putt, P. (2020). Plandocumentatie Samen bouwen. DASH | Delft Architectural Studies on Housing, 5(08), 59–61.