Noodzakelijke rommelruimte

Interview met Alex van de Beld, Onix Architecten


  • Eric Frijters Fabrications
  • Olv Klijn Fabrications


Het woonerf roept bij veel mensen associaties op met woningbouw uit de jaren zeventig, met achterhaalde idealen uit lang vervlogen tijden. Er is kritiek op de onhandig meanderende structuren, de kale buitenruimten, de rommeligheid, de weinig uitgesproken architectuur. Ondanks enkele nog steeds aansprekende voorbeelden lijkt de ooit zo invloedrijke term tegenwoordig te staan voor een stoffige, uitstralingsloze massa, waarin plannenmakers van nu geen heil meer zien.

Toch zijn hier en daar andere geluiden hoorbaar. Als een van de weinige Nederlandse architectenbureaus afficheert architectenbureau Onix zich openlijk met de gedachte van het erf als ruimte om te delen. In zijn terminologie en architectuur gaan nostalgische referenties aan kleinschaligheid, dorpen en schuren gepaard met nieuwe vormen van collectief wonen.

Biografieën auteurs

Eric Frijters, Fabrications

Eric Frijters, founding partner and principal at FABRICations, Professor (Lector) Future Urban Regions (FUR) at the Dutch Academies of Architecture. Eric has over 15 years of experience in designing and executing projects in architecture, urbanism and consulting in regional strategies in the Netherlands and abroad. He has a background in architecture at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and graduated Cum Laude at the Eindhoven University of Technology. His research is being published in several books and various journals and Eric received recognition for his work with several prizes (Prix de Rome, Iakov Chernikhov International Architecture Prize) as a designer, that stands in the field and experiments with innovative architecture, education and research in architecture and urbanism. As of June 2013 he is leading the research group Future Urban Regions focusing on healthy urbanization, design thinking methodology and testing results for productive strategies on urban metabolism in studios at Academies of Architecture.

Olv Klijn, Fabrications

Olv Klijn is Principal at FABRIC – architecture, urbanism, regional strategies and Assistant Professor at the chair of Dwelling at the Technical University Delft. He studied architecture at the Eindhoven University of Technology and graduated Cum Laude. As an artist in residence Klijn studied the impact of current urbanization patterns at the American West Coast stayed at the Banff Centre in Canada. Klijn is (co)author of several books such as ‘VMX Agenda’, ’10 x Den Bosch’, ‘Station Centraal’, ‘Architect by accident’ and ‘The making of ...’ and published in various journals. In 2007 he founded FABRIC together with Eric Frijters and as of then involved in the design and research of architecture, urbanism and regional strategies. In 2010 they won the Prix de Rome, the price for architects up to 35 years. In 2011 Klijn was recognized as one of the 40 emerging European architects under 40 years old. One year later he was nominated for the Iakov Chernikhov International Architecture Prize ‘for designers, that stand in the field experiment with innovative architecture, education and research in architecture and urbanism’.





Frijters, E., & Klijn, O. (2018). Noodzakelijke rommelruimte: Interview met Alex van de Beld, Onix Architecten. DASH | Delft Architectural Studies on Housing, 2(03), 60–65. Geraadpleegd van


