

  • Marina Bos -de Vos TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment




This research aimed to investigate how architectural firms capture value in the projects in which they are involved, and how architectural firms might be supported in developing strategies for value capture. Section 7.1 provides a summary of the key findings of the research, first with respect to the understanding of architectural firms’ project-based value capture developed in the dissertation (§ 7.1.1) and second in relation to the toolkit for facilitating the development of project-specific value capture strategies (§ 7.1.2). Section 7.2 discusses the significance of the findings for research on organizational value capture, the management of architectural firms and business model design processes, before presenting suggestions on directions for future research. Then, Section 7.3 presents the practical implications of the research for collaborative work in creative projects, and for architectural firms and other firms that are involved in these projects. In Section 7.4, the implications for education are discussed. Finally, I will reflect on the research approach and the relevance of the results in Section 7.5.




How to Cite

Bos -de Vos, M. (2018). Discussion. A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment, 8(13), 195–212. https://doi.org/10.7480/abe.2018.13.3561



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