Directional Spectrum Estimation for Sea States Generated by the Single Summation Method




Wave Analysis, Directional Spectrum Estimation, Directional Spreading Function, Single Summation Method, Wave Reflection


The influence of directional spreading of waves is significant for wave-induced loads, wave breaking and nonlinearity of the waves. For physical model testing performed at test facilities such as the Ocean and Coastal Engineering Laboratory at Aalborg University, it is crucial to validate if the test conditions match the target sea states by measurement and analysis of the generated directional wave field. Most of the existing methods assumes a double summation sea state to be present which is valid in the prototype. However, waves in the laboratory are usually generated by single summation. The current paper presents a method to analyse short-crested waves generated by the single summation method. Compared to similar methods oblique reflections are considered instead of only in-line reflections. The results show that the method successfully decomposes the incident and reflected wave fields in the time domain. Thus, for example the incident wave height distribution may be obtained. The sensitivity of the new method to additional reflective directions, noise, calibration errors and positional errors of the wave gauges was found small.


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How to Cite

Iversen, S. K., Andersen, T. L., & Frigaard, P. (2024). Directional Spectrum Estimation for Sea States Generated by the Single Summation Method. Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures, 4.



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