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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The topic is of interest to the field.
  • Distinct novel aspects are treated in the paper, which are clearly indicated in the abstract.
  • The novelty is well substantiated by a thorough and complete literature review.
  • Clear objectives are given.
  • A sound methodology and correct mathematics are used.
  • The conclusions are supported by the data.
  • The paper is properly organized.
  • The paper is to the point and concise.
  • The paper is written clearly using correct grammar and syntax.
  • All illustrations and tables are useful and of good quality and are placed in the text where referred to.
  • The references are relevant and well-formatted in author-date style, with added URLs if available.
  • The submission file is made in the provided file format.
  • The text has continuous line numbering.
  • Appropriate and complete keywords are provided.
  • The submission file is made in the provided file format and no author information is included.
  • Notation and terminology in the article are consistent with accepted best practices in the field.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Please register all co-authors in the OJS system to avoid the double-blind review requests being sent to co-authors.
  • From all manuscripts that are submitted prior to acceptance, all author information should be removed, like:
    file info, header, title page. And leave the entire acknowledgements and credit sections blank.
  • Do not remove or blank out references to (co)authors! The literature review should give an objective overview of a large range of relevant literature anyway.

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts have to be submitted in the final formatting in all submissions. A formatting template / example is available in Word and Latex.

Authors are encouraged to propose suitable reviewers to the editor upon submission of a manuscript (under comments to the editor). However, the editor handling the paper is free to select the reviewers that he/she thinks are most appropriate for the review.

Note that the journal management system sends automatic reminders to you and editors. However, sometimes these do not work or end up in spam folders. Use of e.g. Gmail address can cause this. Please check the OJS system regularly, or send reminder emails if you think the handling of your paper is delayed.

Types of articles and requirements

For all articles in JCHS the following rules apply. All papers have an abstract. There is no formal maximum length for papers. But the length is subject to approval of the acting editor. The papers should convey their message clearly and concisely.

Research Articles describe original findings (e.g. measurements and/or computations) leading to significant advances within the field of coastal and/or hydraulic structures, as described in the JCHS scope. The paper should start with a clear literature overview that explains the knowledge gap that will be tackled. A typical length is 10 to 20 pages.

Case studies are papers that describe a project that was designed or executed. It follows the same structure as a research article. The literature overview will typically be more general, and will typically obtain a larger description of functional requirements and data sources. Similar to the research articles, the case study should discuss the methods that were used, and the uniqueness of the project compared to others.

Reviews are articles reviewing recent developments in the field. The structure of this type of article is rather free. Just like research articles this type of article should convey new findings. Here these do not come from a new test or computation, but typically from a thorough and systematic synthesis of existing literature.

Discussions treat questions about, and/or comments or criticism on a JCHS article of any type (except a Discussion). The Discussion will follow a similar style (and equal formatting) as that of a Research Article, with the exception that the abstract, discussion and conclusion sections can be omitted. If methods are discussed, it is required to provide proof (e.g. references, comparisons, graphs) why the criticized aspects in the original paper are debatable and/or questionable. A discussion is typically between 2 and 10 (typeset) pages. The author(s) of the original paper will be given the opportunity to write a rebuttal (Closure) to the discussion, within six weeks of the submission of the Discussion. Only one round of discussion/rebuttal will be accepted. The handling editor can choose to have the discussion paper and closure reviewed (or not). This review of the Discussion manuscripts will be single blind (reviewers remain anonymous), with different reviewers than selected for the original paper, and published together with the Discussion. A Discussion and related Closure are published in one file on the JCHS website as a new paper, and also clearly referred to at the site of the original paper.

Special Issues and Thematic Series

JCHS features both Special Issues and Thematic Series. These collections form a coherent set of papers centred around an overarching theme. For these special issues one or more guest editors can be appointed by the Editorial Board, define the theme, and help in obtaining the required articles for the collection. The Guest Editors gain the same access to the papers that are submitted to the specific collection, as normal (Section) Editors get to papers that are assigned to them. Whereas the papers in a Special Issue are placed on the website in a separate issue in a certain year, the papers in a Thematic Series are placed in the normal issue(s) and can run over at maximum three years. If papers are part of the Thematic Series or Special Issue, this is indicated in a uniform manner on the boxed colophon on the front page, possibly by a logo. As the papers in a Thematic Series are Open Access, the collection can be placed together on a separate web page.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.