Editorial Team

JCHS is headed by a team of 14 editors, each of which makes final decisions about the papers that are handled by them, who enforce conformity of quality and formatting, and assign reviewers. An Editor-in-Chief is appointed that performs the first screening of submitted manuscripts for scope and minimum quality requirements, resolves disputes for the journal, and guards the uniform quality standard among the editors. The Editor-in-Chief can delegate these tasks temporarily to another editor. A vice-Editor-in-Chief can be assigned as a permanent back-up. The Editors represent a variety of geographic regions and academic and professional disciplines contributing significantly to the journal. All editors (including the Editor-in-Chief) are chosen by the editorial board by majority vote, for a maximum duration of four years, with a single possible extension. The many Associate Editors are also experts in their fields, and serve as 'ambassadors' and (frequent) reviewers for the journal.


Hofland Bas Hofland Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Kopmann Rebekka Kopmann
BAW Germany



Antonini Alessandro Antonini Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Bihs Hans Bihs Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
Bricker Jeremy D.  Bricker University of Michigan USA
Crookston Brian M. Crookston Utah State University USA
Erpicum Sebastien Erpicum Liege University Belgium
Esteban  Miguel Esteban  Waseda University Japan
Goseberg Nils Goseberg TU Braunschweig Germany
Loukogeorgaki  Eva Loukogeorgaki  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Nguyen  Thao Nguyen  HCMC University of Technology Vietnam
Schleiss Anton Schleiss EPFL Switzerland
Thorenz  Carsten Thorenz  BAW Germany


Associate Editors:

Jonkman  Bas Jonkman  Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Altomare Corrado Altomare Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Spain
Blancher Benoit Blancher Electricité de France - Hydro Engineering Center France
Bung Daniel Bung Aachen University of Applied Sciences Germany
Cox  Daniel Cox  Oregon State University USA
Fazeres Ferradosa Tiago Fazeres Ferradosa Universidade do Porto Portugal
Ferreira Celso Ferreira George Mason University in Virginia USA
Guerrero Massimo Guerrero University of Bologna Italy
Hu Zhan  Hu Sun Yat-sen University China
Kamath Arun Kamath Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
Kawasaki Koji Kawasaki Hydrosoken Technology Research Institute  Japan
Kortlever Wim Kortlever Rijkswaterstaat Netherlands
Kramer Matthias Kramer UNSW Australia
Marence Miroslav Marence UNESCO-IHE Netherlands
Melling Gregor Melling BAW Germany
Mikami Takahito Mikami Tokyo City University Japan
Mitsui  Jun Mitsui  Fudo Tetra  Japan
Nakamura Ryota Nakamura Niigata University Japan
Neelamani Subramaniam  Neelamani Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Kuwait
Nistor Ioan Nistor Ottawa University Canada
Nuber Thomas Nuber BAW Germany
Park Yong Sung  Park Seoul National University South Korea
Pasquali Davide Pasquali University of L'Aquila Italy
Peters Dirk Jan Peters Royal HaskoningDHV / Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Pummer Elena Pummer NTNU Trondheim Norway
Raby Alison Raby University of Plymouth UK
Reniers Ad Reniers Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Rüther Nils  Rüther Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
Schalko Isabella Schalko MIT USA
Schendel Alexander Schendel Leibniz University Hannover Germany
Smith Jane Smith USACE USA
Stagonas Dimitris Stagonas University of Cyprus Cyprus
Steenbergen Raphaël Steenbergen TNO Netherlands
Stelzer Oliver Stelzer BAW Germany
Stolle Jacob Stolle INRS Canada
Suppasri  Anawat Suppasri  Tohoku University Japan
Takabatake  Tomoyuki Takabatake  Waseda University Japan
Takagi Hiroshi Takagi Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan
Tomasicchio Giuseppe R. Tomasicchio University of Salento Italy
Tsimopoulou  Vana Tsimopoulou  HZ University of Applied Sciences Netherlands
Tsubaki Ryota Tsubaki Nagoya University Japan
Van der Meer Jentsje Van der Meer IHE Delft Netherlands
Whittaker Colin Whittaker The University of Auckland  New Zeland
Wüthrich  Davide Wüthrich  University of Queensland Australia
Zhang Jisheng Zhang Hohai University China