Submerged low-crested structures in front of coastal structures


  • Marcel R.A. van Gent Deltares



Set-up, Wave transmission, Wave overtopping, Coastal structures, Rubble mound breakwaters, Dikes, Wave flume tests


Climate adaptation of coastal structures has become more important due to climate change, resulting in sea level rise and increased wave loading on coastal structures with depth-limited wave conditions. One of the climate adaptation measures to ensure that existing coastal structures continue to perform their function after unforeseen sea level rise, is to reduce the wave loading before the waves reach the existing coastal structure. This can be achieved by constructing a low-crested structure in front of the existing structure. Between the two structures, structure-induced wave set-up occurs. This structure-induced wave set-up has been studied based on wave flume tests. The effects of structure-induced wave set-up on wave transmission at the low-crested structures and the effects on wave overtopping at the emerged coastal structures were also measured and analyzed.
The structure-induced wave set-up depends on the freeboard, wave steepness, and permeability of the low-crested structure. For configurations with impermeable low-crested structures, this wave-set-up does not depend on the distance between the two structures. Empirical expressions to estimate structure-induced wave set-up are derived for impermeable and permeable low-crested structures.
The measurements indicate that the effect of structure-induced wave set-up on the wave transmission coefficients is negligibly small.
The structure-induced wave set-up increases the wave overtopping discharges at the emerged coastal structure. This effect can be taken into account in wave overtopping estimates by reducing the freeboard with the structure-induced wave set-up.


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How to Cite

van Gent, M. R. (2024). Submerged low-crested structures in front of coastal structures. Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures, 4.



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