Living Walls

Octavia E. Butler and Xenoarchitecture as an Interspecies Mediator




In her acclaimed science fiction trilogy Xenogenesis, Octavia E. Butler presents a narrative of interspecies coexistence involving humans and the alien Oankali. This coexistence is facilitated by living entities known as Lo, which serve as dynamic architectures mediating positive, mutualistic interactions between the two species. These entities offer a valuable framework for analysing architectures that seek to integrate the other. In this article, we propose to extend existing debates on interspecies co-design practices and link them to the concept of xenoarchitecture. Furthermore, we propose the Interspecies Interaction Protocols (IIP) to regulate human/other-than-human interactions in built environments. To demonstrate that xenoarchitecture’s interspecies mediating vision can be applied to non-fictional real-world architecture, we project ideas from Butler’s onto three unusual examples of buildings that achieve this human/other-than-human mediation: the library at the National Palace of Mafra and Coimbra University’s Joanina Library, both located in Portugal, and the Karni Mata temple, located in Rajasthan, India. These case studies illustrate positive IIPs that facilitate mutualistic coexistence between humans and two other species, bats and rats.

Author Biographies

Aitor Frías-Sánchez, University of Málaga

Aitor Frías-Sánchez and Joaquín Perailes-Santiago are both architects, co-founders of afab architecture, and researchers at Universidad de Málaga. They both have been guest researchers at ALICE (Atelier de la Conception de l’Espace) of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Their work, both in research and in the professional practice of architecture, focuses on the pursuit of more equitable forms of coexistence between human agents and other-than-human entities.

Joaquín Perailes-Santiago, University of Málaga

Aitor Frías-Sánchez and Joaquín Perailes-Santiago are both architects, co-founders of afab architecture, and researchers at Universidad de Málaga. They both have been guest researchers at ALICE (Atelier de la Conception de l’Espace) of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Their work, both in research and in the professional practice of architecture, focuses on the pursuit of more equitable forms of coexistence between human agents and other-than-human entities.

Diego Jiménez-López, University of Málaga

Diego Jiménez-López is an architect and co-founder of DJarquitectura; he is renowned for achieving four first prizes in international competitions and receiving three nominations for the Mies van der Rohe European Awards. He holds the position of associate professor at the School of Architecture in Málaga and is a researcher within the HUM1065 group: All Possible Lives_Design and Critique of Contemporary Domesticity. His research focuses on typological reflections on dwellings and their adaptation to the human body, as well as the construction of inhabited landscapes through mediating the relationship between humans and the environment.


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