Max Raphael: Dialectics and Greek Art


  • Patrick Healy



The article outlines what is required for a theory of art in the late work of Max Raphael, by showing that it is a response to a problematic first formulated, but left unanswered, by Marx, and which can be seen as developed by Raphael in his writing, especially the text he devoted to a dialectic interpretation of Greek art, with special reference to temple architecture. In detailing this latter study it is possible to see how Raphael’s understanding and analysis is guided by his account of an empirical theory of art, and contributes to its further elaboration.

Author Biography

Patrick Healy

Patrick Healy teaches at the Delft University of Technology, Theory Department, courses in aesthetics and theory of sciences; he is attached as a researcher to the Delft School of Design. Professor FIU Amsterdam, he recently participated at the Difesa della natura Venice Biennale 2007. Publications include, among others, De/-Signing the Urban (2006), Images of Knowledge (2006), Beauty and the Sublime (2005). He is currently writing a work on The Cities of Walter Benjamin, and has completed a booklength study on Max Raphael.


