Project Selection in Traffic Accident Prevention and Mitigation


  • Hossain Poorzahedy Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
  • Sayed Nader Shetab Bushehri Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology



This paper deals with two problems in relation to the accident treatment of urban street networks, i.e. accident prevention (AP) and accident mitigation (MP). These two problems are defined based on the concepts of suitable remaining trip-hours, link importance, and klink connectedness of node-destinations in the network. The objective of problem (AP) is to upgrade the important links so as to maximize a measure of the performance of the network. This is a before-accident treatment of the network. The objective of problem (MP) is to mitigate the accident effects in the network so as to maximize a measure of network connectedness. This is an after-accident treatment of the network, which is done by equipping
auxiliary links in the network to join the available set of links, in order to make important 1-link connected node-destination pairs, k-link connected (k ≥ 2) . Two algorithms have been proposed to solve these two problems. The reasonability of the solution results has been shown by applying these two algorithms on a small-sized (6 nodes, 10 links) example network. The feasibility of the application of these algorithms on larger networks has been investigated by applying them on the network of Sioux Falls (24 nodes and 76 links).



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How to Cite

Poorzahedy, H., & Shetab Bushehri, S. N. (2003). Project Selection in Traffic Accident Prevention and Mitigation. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 3(3).



Research articles