Over dit tijschrift

DASH (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing) is a thematic serial that is wholly devoted to residential design. Inquiry into historical and contemporary projects and conditions is the central focus of DASH. New types of housing but also existing models and changing trends are thoroughly charted and examined. The target is the future: with thought-provoking analyses, DASH aims to give new impetus to innovative housing design.

DASH aims to occupy a central position in the academic community as well as among designing and commissioning parties. For clients, architects and academics, DASH is a tool for tackling the contemporary housing assignment in an innovative manner and for developing and disseminating new information on housing design. DASH aims to make an international contribution to housing design from a Dutch perspective.

Over the past few centuries, the Netherlands has built up a housing tradition that is renowned throughout the world. With its book series DASH, the Chair of Architecture and Dwelling, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, intends to bring the richness of housing design back on center stage.

DASH is published once a year. Each edition is devoted to a fundamental theme in contemporary housing development, with an introductory essay by the editor or guest editor responsible, followed by extensive, uniformly presented plan documentation of relevant projects from the present as well as the past.

Four articles about specific aspects of the theme give historical hindsight and critical reflection on current development practices, complemented by two interviews with professionals and key figures on the chosen theme.