From concept to projects

Stedenbaan, the Netherlands


  • Verena Balz TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Joost Schrijnen TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment



Regional design, transit oriented development, Randstad, the Netherlands


As cities tend to spread and coalesce into lower density urban regions, public transport systems are evolving from mono-centric hierarchical structures into multinodal horizontal networks. This evolution of metropolitan regions with a multitude of relations and dependencies require not only new forms of transport but also new methods of spatial planning. The biggest danger to an emerging metropolitan area is that of fragmented development and consequently missed opportunities. The project Stedenbaan strives to establish a planning context within which cities are not competitors but partners that work on diverse and complementary developments.

Author Biographies

Verena Balz, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

I studied Architecture at the Technical University in Berlin, Germany, and the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, USA. My studies in the United States were supported by grants from the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, the United States Information Agency, and the Illinois Institute of Technology. My graduation thesis, which tested a particular industrial design-support computer programme on its usefulness for urban design, was judged excellent.

Between 1999 and 2005 I was employed at Maxwan Architects and Urbanists, and Crimson architectural historians, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. As an urbanist and senior urbanist at these firms I participated in and led urbanism projects of various levels of scale in several European countries. From 2005 to 2008 I was Chief Designer at Atelier Zuidvleugel (South Wing Studio), a publicly funded policy institute concerned with regional planning and design in the southern part of the Dutch Randstad region. In this position I became acquainted with developing and carrying out innovative regional-design strategies in complex multi-actor governance settings. Projects I initiated and led have had as their main concern transit-oriented development and the integration of socio-economic and spatial development in the region. I am the principal author of a number of books that document these projects, as well as co-author of a book that reviews South Wing Studio’s regional design practice.

Since 2009 I have been an assistant professor and teacher at the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. The main focus of my research is on the use and performance of regional design-led approaches in planning decision-making. My work on this topic has been published in international peer-reviewed journals and academic books. As a research team leader I have initiated conference sessions and co-organized international conferences dedicated to the Department’s core interest in regional design. My engagement has contributed to the building up of an international network of researchers with interest and expertise in this emerging theme. In addition to regional design, I also have expertise on spatial planning, Dutch national planning, regional policy, territorial governance, and European Cohesion Policy. I have built up and applied this knowledge during my participation in a broad range of publicly funded research projects. Besides participating as a researcher and national expert in such projects, I have contributed to the acquisition of research grants from, among others, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and acquired funds for my own research projects. As a teacher I am involved in the Bachelor and Master of Architecture, Urbanism, and Building Sciences programmes. Besides being a course coordinator, lecturer, design tutor, and mentor on individual courses, I am also co-coordinator of the third quarter of the MSc Urbanism track, entitled ‘Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis’, and studio coordinator of the MSc Urbanism graduation studio ‘Planning Complex Cities’.

Since 2008 I have had my own firm. As an independent researcher and designer I provide consultancy on regional spatial planning and design. I frequently co-operate with design firms, in particular OOZE architects, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Joost Schrijnen, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

Joost Schrijnen (1947) is stedebouwkundige, afgestudeerd aan de TUDelft (1973). Hij is RO management consultant met zijn eigen adviesbureau “Ruimte voor Ontwikkeling” sinds 2012. In 2018/19 voorzitter regieteam voor de herstructurering van Schalkwijk-Midden in Haarlem van monofunctioneel kantorengebied naar een gemend stedelijk gebied. Bijdragen aan diverse studies en presentaties van de Verenging Deltametropool. In 2016/7 verkenner draagvlak voor de toekomst Rotterdam the Hague Airport en in 2015/7 voorzitter van het O(ontwerp)-team, namens het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu. Als adviseur werkt Schrijnen o.a aan de toekomst van de Vlaamse Kust, en aan de samenhang tussen mobiliteit en ruimte in stedelijke netwerken in Nederland. Schrijnen was onder andere programmadirecteur voor de Zuidwestelijke Delta in het kader van het Deltaprogramma (2008-2012), directeur Structuurvisie Almere 2030 (2007-2008), directeur Ruimte en Mobiliteit bij de provincie Zuid Holland (2002-2007) en lid van de directie van de Dienst Stedenbouw en Volkshuisvesting Rotterdam (1992-2001). Daarnaast was hij hoogleraar Stedebouwkundig ontwerpen Stad en Regio en praktijk hoogleraar Strategie en Planning aan de faculteit Bouwkunde TUDelft (2003-2012).




How to Cite

Balz, V., & Schrijnen, J. (2019). From concept to projects: Stedenbaan, the Netherlands. A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment, 9(6), 59–75.



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