Editorial Team

The Evolving Scholar is managed by the scientific community, editors. reviewers and moderators.

The Moderators are selected by the Project Team based on their expertise and experience. Please contact us to become a Moderator.

Interested in contrubting as a Reviewer and review the work of your peers, join the community. 

Interested in contributing as a Moderator for ThES please contact publishing-lib@tudelft.nl



Bernard Meulenbroek | Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics | Applied mathemathics

Esther Plomp | TU Delft, Faculty of Applied Sciences | Mass Spectrometry, Human Provenancing, Human Osteology, Research Data Management

Roberto Rocco | TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment |Department of Urbanism | Design, spatial planning & urban/economic geography

Simone G. Sporn | De Gruyter | Health technology & science communicatio

Editor-In-Chief of The 14th conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IfoU)

Prof. Machiel van Dorst |Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Urbanism
Dr. Qu Lei |Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Urbanism