Coastlab24 and Norwegian Register
The diamond open access (no charges for readers and authors) journal JCHS is getting recognized more and more. Many researchers are chosing JCHS to publish their high level research. As such, JCHS was chosen as the journal to publish the selected pubications from the Coastlab24 conference on physical modelling in coastal engineering, that will take place in Delft in 2024. Moreover, the first official indexing of the journal is a fact. The journal is now a level 1 journal in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Publications (see Norwegian Register - link). Application for more indexing registers is ongoing, Once the journal is registered in indexes like Web of Science or Scopus, all publications will retroactively be included in these systems, adding to publication scores.
In the meanwhile we continue to work on our track record. At the moment eight nice publications have been published this year, and many more papers are under review.