The Word that Builds: Poetry and Practice at the School of Valparaíso


  • Óscar Andrade Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology
  • Jaime Reyes Gil Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (e[ad] PUCV)



This article addresses the case of the School of Architecture and Design at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso in Chile, which established an original position in arts and education by exploring the productive relationship between poetry and architecture. The focus of this article is to examine the pivotal presence of poetry in
the school’s artistic position and its role in the design and building actions carried out by students and professors, which are an essential trait of its educational approach. The article displays this trajectory from the poetic word to the act of building by discussing a crucial topic raised within inter-nal debates of the School of Valparaíso: the relationship between word and action. While illustrating the role of poetry in the school’s creative practices, the article argues that the poetic word is not instrumentalized as a concrete method or tool in design studio practices, but is present as an underlying element that opens a primordial creative field from which architecture operates. The article aims to contribute to the existing literature by clarifying the role of poetry in the School of Valparaíso’s curriculum, which is a particu- larly unclear aspect surrounded by myths and assumptions. Therefore, this article focuses on the formulation and practice of the ‘poetic act’, its role
in the design and building processes of the school projects, and the way in which the professors and students of the School of Valparaíso proceed with their works after the poetic act that takes place at the start of every project. By clarifying these points, we shine a light on the presence of poetry in the articulation of the school’s artistic production and academic structures, locating the relationship between word and action at the centre of the school’s debates, where it remains open and vividly discussed to this day.

Author Biographies

Óscar Andrade, Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology

Óscar Andrade Castro is an architect, PhD candidate in the Chair of Methods and Analysis of the Department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology and assistant professor at the Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (e[ad] PUCV), Chile. Since 2003 he has participated in nine of the School of Valparaíso Travesíascrossing the South American continent. He has lived, worked and studied as a guest at the Open City of Amereida. During the last several years he has been actively involved in several international exhibitions of the Amereida group, among them Lausanne (2013), Brussels (2015), Athens and Kassel (2017). His research is focused on experimental architectural procedures, methods and tools that follow the logics of non-planning and are employed in the conception and materialization of open-ended works.


Jaime Reyes Gil, Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (e[ad] PUCV)

Jaime Reyes Gil is a Poet, Industrial Designer and Professor of Poetics at the School of Architecture and Design at thePontificia Universidad Católica deValparaíso, Chile (e[ad] PUCV). PhD inDesign, Pontifical Catholic Universit of Rio de Janeiro Brazil; Master in History, speciality in art history, at the Institute of History PUCV. He is the director of Advanced and Postgraduate Studies e[ad] PUCV, and director of the José Vial Armstrong Historical Archive e[ad] PUCV. Member of the Open City of Amereida, Chile.


Patricio Cáraves, La Ciudad Abierta de Amereida. Arquitectura desde la Hospitalidad (Barcelona: Editorial Académica Española, 2007)

Manuel Casanueva, Libro de Torneos (Valparaíso: Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, 2009)

Godofredo Iommi, Jorge Pérez Román, Josée Lapeyrère, Carmelo Arden Quin, Michel Deguy, Antonio Asis, Bernard Olivier, Viky Messica, Yves Brunier, Michele Gleizes, Collette Parcheminier, Juana Prat-Gay, Henri Tronquoy, Experiencia Poética (Viña del Mar: Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño PUCV, 1962)

Godofredo Iommi, Alberto Cruz, ‘Ciudad Abierta: De la Utopía al Espejismo’, Revista Universitaria, 9 (1983)

Godofredo Iommi, ‘Carta Nº20’, Correspondencia a Gerardo Mello 1940-1980, (2010)

Godofredo Iommi, Hay que ser Absolutamente Moderno (Viña del Mar: UCV, 1982)

Godofredo Iommi, Alberto Cruz, Fabio Cruz, François Fédier, Michel Deguy, Claudio Girola, Gerardo Mello, Jorge Pérez Román, Edison Simons, Henri Tronquoy, Jonathan Boulting, Amereida (Santiago: Lambda, 1967)

Godofredo Iommi, ‘Lettre de l’Errant’, Ailleurs, I (1963)

Godofredo Iommi, Hoy me voy a ocupar de mi cólera (Viña del Mar: UCV, 1983)

Grupo Ciudad Abierta, Apertura de los Terrenos (Viña del Mar: Ciudad Abierta, 1971)

Grupo Ciudad Abierta, ‘Alberto Cruz, Cooperativa Amereida, Chile’, Zodiac, 8 (1992)

Lautréamont, Obra completa (Madrid: Akal, 1988)

Jaime Reyes, La Huella de la Santidad de la Obra (Ciudad Abierta: Ciudad Abierta, 2011)

Arthur Rimbaud, Rimbaud Complete: Poetry and Prose (New York: Modern Library, 2003)




How to Cite

Andrade, Óscar, & Gil, J. R. (2018). The Word that Builds: Poetry and Practice at the School of Valparaíso. Writingplace, 1(1), 29–47.