Suburban Housing Planning History for Hanoi Capital Region 1980s-2020s

Market Economy Adaptation and High-Density Environment.


  • Hoai Duc Vu Vietnam National University
  • Kieu Trang Nguyen Vietnam National University
  • Thanh Thao Nguyen Vietnam National University
  • Van Tien Dinh Vietnam National University



Suburbs, defined as the areas bordering cities, play a crucial role in providing greenbelt spaces for agricultural production, cultural-recreational activities, and environmental protection. Over the past 40 years, urban planning in Ha Noi has focused on developing housing outside the city center to alleviate pressure on urban areas. Initially, there was a push for "building by people and the state," but this approach faced challenges due to limited resources. Subsequently, the state experimented with supply planning and housing management for employees, gradually integrating market economic mechanisms. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, the state continued to play a dominant role in providing housing for priority groups. However, the early 21st century saw increased participation from various economic entities, leading to positive shifts in both quantity and quality of housing projects. Ha Noi is now committed to constructing modern, sustainable housing models with integrated social infrastructure and synchronized technological development, while preserving cultural heritage and historical sites. This approach aims to stimulate economic development, promote the knowledge economy, and ensure environmental protection and national security, while fostering regional, national, and international linkages. Through fieldwork and comparative assessment methods, this article explores and proposes policies for suburban housing development that integrate green spaces and technology, with the goal of creating an attractive and sustainable model for the future capital - Ha Noi.




How to Cite

Vu, H. D., Nguyen, K. T., Nguyen, T. T., & Dinh, V. T. (2024). Suburban Housing Planning History for Hanoi Capital Region 1980s-2020s: Market Economy Adaptation and High-Density Environment. International Planning History Society Proceedings, 20(1), 755–768.