Place-making with avenue systems, a Dutch planning design tradition


  • Patricia Debie Debie & Verkuijl tuin park landschap



From the sixteenth century on the Dutch landscape has been transformed by the building of country residences called estates and their expansions with gardens and parks. These rural properties were surrounded by impressive avenue systems that (re-)ordered the waste landscape and made remote regions more accessible. Several Dutch avenue systems have remarkable layouts that are comparable with famous palaces like Hampton Court (Great Britain) or Versailles (France). The Dutch castles were owned by members of the Court or their political advisers, who used them as hunting estates. As the geometrical avenue systems expressed political power, they were extended over centuries, regardless of changes in garden fashion. The impressive avenue designs according to classic Italian design principles were initiated by the estate owners themselves. Especially members of the Dutch Court propagated their ideas to connect the avenue systems of the castles with new built churches and village expansions. This laying out of avenues was a new kind of urbanisation and a starting point for the classic Dutch landscape tradition that inspired many estate owners. Some of these early examples of ‘place-making’ are still recognisable as main structures in Dutch cities and landscape and express a well-structured place.


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How to Cite

Debie, P. (2016). Place-making with avenue systems, a Dutch planning design tradition. International Planning History Society Proceedings, 17(4).