The Other Margin
Almada, which is both a city and a county located on the south bank of the Tagus River and part of the Lisbon metropolitan area, has a unique identity that is influenced by both its proximity to and separation from Lisbon. This so-called ‘other margin’ was built on the productive base of the agricultural and fishing industries, the military and quarantine infrastructure, the burgeoning tourist industry on the Atlantic waterfront, the significant naval shipyard presence on the riverfront, the communal associations and cooperatives in the towns, and the expanding suburban condition throughout the entire territory. Almada is depicted here from various angles using various ways of representing its people, places, events and narratives that were taken from literary, artistic, architectural and documentary sources like books, illustrations, models, photos and movies. The urban narratives of Almada are replayed, alternating back and forth between past and present, memories and reality, the written and the visual.
Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, ‘Nuno Barros da Silveira’, https://arquivomunicipal3., accessed 16 June 2023.
Daniel Alves (IHC) and Natália Constâncio (IELT), ‘Atlas das Paisagens Literárias de Portugal Continental’,, accessed 16 June 2023.
IELT, ‘Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Mainland Portugal’, en/portfolio/atlas-of-literary-landscapes-of-mainland-portugal/, accessed 16 June 2023.
Nuno Artur Silva and António Jorge Gonçalves, As Aventuras de Filipe Seems: Ana (Lisbon: Edições ASA, 1993).
Teresa Barreto Borges (ed.), Escritos sobre Cinema de João Bénard da Costa, Tomo I, Volume 4 (Lisbon: Cinemateca Portuguesa, 2021), 410-411.
Manuel Graça Dias and Egas José Vieira, 11 Cities: Projects 1995-2005 (Porto: Civilização, 2006).
Maurice Mariaud (dir.), Os Faroleiros, 1922 [Film], 72’.
Luís Santiago Baptista and Paula Melâneo (eds.), Almada: Um Território em Seis Ecologias (Almada: Câmara Municipal de Almada, 2020).
Ignasi de Solá-Morales Rubió, ‘Terrain Vague’, in: Ignasi de Solá-Morales Rubió, Anyplace (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995), 118-125.
How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Santiago Baptista, Susana Oliveira

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.