City of Words. A Multimodal Collaboration in ‘Writing Urban Places’


  • Luc Pauwels
  • Anna Ryan Moloney



researcher-produced photography, photo-elicitation, multimodal urban narrative, writing place, writing architecture.


This contribution is a collaborative effort of two scholars from different disciplinary and geographic backgrounds joined by an interest in producing and communicating urban narratives. Their partnership resulted in an experiment that combines aspects of different research and communication methods into a hybrid end-result: a collaborative multimodal essay. First, the methodological particularities of this collaborative effort will be discussed and situated within number of established and emerging visual methods: the blending of methods, the researcher roles, the distinct modes of expression and the different positions vis-a-vis the site under scrutiny (‘visitor’ versus ‘resident’; ‘outsider’ versus ‘insider’). This section will then be followed by the actual multimodal essay on the city of Limerick as a distinct form of scholarly communication balancing between art and science.

Author Biographies

Luc Pauwels

Luc Pauwels is a Professor of Visual Research Methods at the University of Antwerp (Faculty of Social Sciences), Founder and Director of the Visual & Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi) and Vice-President for Research of the ‘Visual Sociology’ Research Committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Books include: Visual Cultures of Science (2006, Dartmouth College Press), Reframing Visual Social Science. Towards a More Visual Sociology and Anthropology (2015, Cambridge University Press) and The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods (Sage, 2020, 2nd ed. with D. Mannay).

Anna Ryan Moloney

Anna Ryan Moloney holds a B.Arch. (1st Class Honours) from University College Dublin and a PhD from the Department of Geography at University College Cork, Ireland. She practised with Grafton Architects in Dublin, and was editor of the journal Building Material. Since 2007 is a Lecturer in Architecture at the School of Architecture, University of Limerick where she follows her interests in landscape, writing, drawing and photography through her teaching and research. In 2012, Ashgate (now Routledge) published her book, Where Land Meets Sea: coastal explorations of landscape, representation and spatial experience


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Luc Pauwels, Reframing Visual Social Science: Towards a More Visual Sociology and Anthropology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 337; Luc Pauwels and Dawn Mannay (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods (Beverly Hills, CA and London: Sage, 2020).

Pauwels, Reframing Visual Social Science, op. cit. (note 2).

Richard E. Sorenson and Alison Jablonko, ‘Research Filming of Naturally Occurring Phenomena: Basic Strategies’, in: Paul Hockings (ed.), Principles in Visual Anthropology (Chicago, IL: Aldine, 1975), 151-163.

Charles Suchar, ‘Grounding Visual Sociology Research in Shooting Scripts’, Qualitative Research 20/1 (1997), 33-55.

John Collier and Malcom Collier, Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1986).

Luc Pauwels, ‘Participatory Visual Research Revisited: A Critical-Constructive Assessment of Epistemological, Methodological and Social Activist Tenets’, Ethnography 16/1 (2015), 95-117; Richard Chalfen, ‘Methodological Variation in Participant Visual Media Production’, in: Pauwels and Mannay, The Sage Handbook, op. cit. (note 2), 239-266.

Målfrid Råheim et al., ‘Researcher-Researched Relationship in Qualitative Research: Shifts in Positions and Researcher Vulnerability’, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being 11/1 (2016), published online 14 June 2016, doi: 10.3402/qhw.v11.30996.

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Phindezwa Mnyaka and Caitrona Ida Macleod, ‘Introduction: Blurring Boundaries’, in: Caitrona Ida Macleod et al. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 133-143.

Michael Nott, Photopoetry 1845-2015: A Critical History (New York and London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2018).

Susan Sontag, On Photography (London: Penguin Books, 1977).

William J.T. Mitchell. Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986), 8.

Michael Emmison, Philippe Smith and Margery Mayall, Researching the Visual (London: Sage, 2012).

Gillian Rose, Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials (London: Sage, 2016).

Roland Barthes ‘The Rhetoric of the Image: Éléments de sémiologie’, Communications 4 (1964), 40-51.

Luc Pauwels, ‘Conceptualizing the “Visual Essay” as a Way of Generating and Imparting Sociological Insight: Issues, Formats and Realizations’, Sociological Research Online 17/1 (2012).

Tim Pat Coogan, 1916: The Easter Rising (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2005).

Robert Kee, The Laurel and The Ivy: The Story of Charles Stewart Parnell and Irish Nationalism (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1993).

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Emma Gilleece, City of Churches: A Skyline of Spires (Limerick: Limerick Museum and Archives, 2014).

Deirdra O’Regan, ‘Fascism in Limerick’, Magill, 1 April 1970, available at (accessed 19 August 2020); and Limerick Leader, ‘Stevie and the “Red Menace”’ (1970), available at (accessed 19 August 2020).

Eamon O’Flaherty, Irish Historic Towns Atlas No. 21: Limerick (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2010).




How to Cite

Pauwels, L. ., & Moloney, A. R. (2021). City of Words. A Multimodal Collaboration in ‘Writing Urban Places’. Writingplace, (5), 49–71.