November 2014
At some point, the strongest figures simply start mutating in front of the careful observer, becoming each other, mindless of where they stand.
Like the cities described by Calvino's diligent Marco, site-specificity fades behind the sharper image of ideas that spread like weed and wildflower. Everywhere, the same building!
The column, repeated incessantly, usually appears as only a part of that building, at first; yet it soon reveals itself to the receptive eye as a sensible whole.
Portico, veranda, colonnade, slowly turn into that, most open of structures: A mosque, a bazaar, a cistern, are nothing but repetition of pattern; infinite carpet spread horizontally, only defined by its knots.
Place, shape and relation converge in a single, true form.
Istanbul, photos by KMH
Jorge Mejia Hernandez