house of memory


December 2013


imagine a house
where a woman has been
where she lives on
in a contemporary double
who is seeing through her eyes

imagine a room with a mirror
a woman walks past
her face fades into memories
her hair directs another way
how she was painted, drawn
she changes over time

imagine a staircase
where a life reaches out
to modern days
an other life looks back
but who is who?
two women coincide

Dutch artist Margje Bijl found her double in Jane Morris, a woman who lived in Britain more than a century ago. She was the wife of William Morris and muse of Pre-Raphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rosetti. In her own art, Margje has investigated the similarities between the two women: faces, times and gazes merge in her drawings, paintings and photographs. Her work "A Memory Palace of her Own" will be exhibited in the William Morris Gallery in London from January 11th until March 9th, 2014.

"A Memory Palace of her own"
design by Ben Faydherbe, 2013

front page:
"A new pattern for the Empress"
photograph by Hein van Liempd, 2011



Jorge Mejia Hernandez