Transposition of the European Anti-Discrimination Directives in Lithuania: The Explanatory Power of Rationalist and Sociological Institutionalism


  • Thaisia Elisabeth de Waal University of Groningen



This paper examines the European anti-discrimination directives and their transposition in the context of a relatively new member state; Lithuania. The post-enlargement context provides a new testing ground for an assessment of the ability of the EU to instigate domestic change. Taking this post-communist society as a case study, it is suggested that while formal legislative compliance has been broadly accomplished as a consequence of EU conditionality, structural behavioral change has not been achieved. The combination of EU pressure on the one hand, and norm incompatibility on the other, may result in a normative backlash which prevents true behavioral change.


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How to Cite

de Waal, T. E. (2015). Transposition of the European Anti-Discrimination Directives in Lithuania: The Explanatory Power of Rationalist and Sociological Institutionalism. Student Undergraduate Research E-Journal!, 1.



Economics & Social Sciences