Hoe duurzaam zijn Nederlandse consumenten met hun medicijnafval? Welke factoren zijn voorspellers voor duurzaam gedrag met betrekking


  • Sarah de Jong Utrecht University


Pharmaceuticals and their compounds effect the environment on a large scale and it is caused by incorrect disposal of unused and expired medicines. This problem led to the research question “How sustainable do Dutch consumers act with their pharmaceutical disposals?” It was found that environmentally concerned people bring their medication to the pharmacy more often than people who are not concerned about the environment. However, there seems to exist incongruence between the attitude and actual behaviour. Women, elderly, being informed about the possibility to bring medication back to the pharmacy and awareness of the harmful effects were significant predictors for sustainable behaviour regarding pharmaceutical waste.


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How to Cite

de Jong, S. (2015). Hoe duurzaam zijn Nederlandse consumenten met hun medicijnafval? Welke factoren zijn voorspellers voor duurzaam gedrag met betrekking. Student Undergraduate Research E-Journal!, 1. Retrieved from https://journals.open.tudelft.nl/sure/article/view/1086



Economics & Social Sciences