Residual effects of feigning: An investigation based on self- report and behavioural data


  • Shalina Görg Maastricht University



In this explorative study, residual effects of feigning were investigated on the basis of self- report as well as behavioural data. Participants therefore provided self- reported estimates of their hearing abilities and conducted a difficult sound detection task (informational masking paradigm). Participants were manipulated in order to feign hearing symptoms voluntarily. The influence of the character trait fantasy proneness on the frequency of feigning was observed. The manipulation did not lead to the hypothesized behaviour. No relationship was found between fantasy proneness and a tendency to feign symptoms. Residual effects of feigning were not found for self- reported, but well for behavioural data. In combination with previous findings, this result provides additional evidence for the existence of residual effects of feigning and shows possible directions for future research.

Author Biography

Shalina Görg, Maastricht University

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


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How to Cite

Görg, S. (2015). Residual effects of feigning: An investigation based on self- report and behavioural data. Student Undergraduate Research E-Journal!, 1.



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