EURAS 2023 – (Responsible) Standardisation for Smart Systems - Conference report


  • Juho Vepsäläinen Aalto University



conference, conference report, euras, report, smart systems, standardisation


EURAS 2023 took place 28-30.06.2023 in Aachen, Germany. The 27th edition of the conference was heavily focused on standardisation while it also included another event called SIIT (Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology) within its program. For 2023, the conference's main theme was "(Responsible) Standardisation for Smart Systems". The topics varied from one end of standardization to another, and in this brief report, I will go through the content discussed at the event.


[Blind, 2023] Blind, K. (2023). The performance of 5g projects in horizon 2020 and their links to standardization. In Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems, pages 43–60. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Blind et al., 2019] Blind, K., Bohm, M., et al. (2019). The relationship between open source software and standard setting. JRC Research Reports, (JRC117836).

[Fried and Walgenbach, 2023] Fried, A. and Walgenbach, P. (2023). Organizing corporate governance – a process model of rule enactment in organizations. In Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems, page 95. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Gamalielsson et al., 2023] Gamalielsson, J., Lundell, B., Brax, C., Persson, T., Mattsson, A., Gustavsson, T., and Feist, J. (2023). On availability of open source software reference implementations for standards issued by different standards setting organisations. In Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems, pages 97–116. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Ho-Dac, 2023] Ho-Dac, M. (2023). Considering fundamental rights in the european standardisation of artificial intelligence: Nonsense or strategic alliance? In Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems, pages 131–150. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Jacobs, 2023] Jacobs, K., editor (2023). Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Krechmer, 2023] Krechmer, K. (2023). Why are standards? In Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems, pages 153–158. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Mijatović, 2023] Mijatović, I. (2023). — [Accessed 25-09-2023].

[Tošić and Mijatović, 2023] Tošić, B. and Mijatović, I. (2023). Small vs. large: Exploring differences between standardisation-related competences of european enterprises. In Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems, pages 185–202. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Vepsäläinen, 2023] Vepsäläinen, J. (2023). Ecmascript–the journey of a programming language from an idea to a standard. In Joint proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023: (responsible) standardisation for smart systems, pages 203–220. EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research.

[Wiarda et al., 2022] Wiarda, M., van de Kaa, G., Doorn, N., and Yaghmaei, E. (2022). Responsible innovation and de jure standardisation: An in-depth exploration of moral motives, barriers, and facilitators. Science and Engineering Ethics, 28(6):65.




How to Cite

Vepsäläinen, J. (2024). EURAS 2023 – (Responsible) Standardisation for Smart Systems - Conference report . Journal of Standardisation, 3(2).