On the Causes and Environmental Impact of Airborne Holdings at Major European Airports

Ramon Dalmau; Philippe Very; Gabriel Jarry;
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This paper introduces a data-driven technique for labelling airborne holdings based on their underlying causes, specifically distinguishing between adverse weather conditions and other causes, such as airport capacity. Utilising a dataset comprised of flight trajectories arriving at 45 European airports over a nine-month period, extracted from automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast data, this paper provides valuable insights into the causes behind airborne holdings and their relative environmental impact. The proposed approach involves employing an existing neural network to identify airborne holdings. Subsequently, these holdings are cross-referenced with actual weather observations obtained from meteorological aerodrome reports. Following this, a subset of the holdings is labelled as either weather-related or attributed to other causes, based on historical air traffic flow management regulations. Finally, the cause of the majority of unlabelled holdings is determined using semi-supervised learning. The findings indicate that at least one-quarter of the 30-minute time periods with airborne holdings identified by the neural network can be attributed to weather-related factors, with reduced visibility, strong winds, and convective weather, emerging as the primary contributing events. Intriguingly, weather-related causes account for approximately 40% of the total fuel consumption associated with these procedures.


Arriving flights frequently encounter tactical control strategies to ensure safety. These control strategies involve level-offs, path stretching, and holding patterns, all of which can decrease flight efficiency [Pasutto and Zeghal 2023]. A recent analysis by [Olive et al. 2023] examined two months of automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) data for aircraft landing at five major European airports. The study revealed that holding patterns had the most significant adverse environmental impact, regardless of their cause.

Based on these findings, this paper paves the way for a more in-depth investigation of airborne holdings at major European airports, facilitating an assessment of the relative environmental impact of various causes, specifically distinguishing between adverse weather conditions and other factors. By gaining insights into the primary drivers of these tactical control strategies, this study aims to equip the aviation community with the knowledge needed to facilitate the implementation of targeted measures aimed at mitigating both their environmental and economic consequences. This assessment, however, encounters several challenges, namely (1) the need to detect airborne holdings from flight trajectories and (2) the current lack of data providing information about their causes.

It is critical to emphasise that the primary goal of this paper does not revolve around the quantitative results. The primary focus of this paper is on the semi-supervised methodology, which has broad applicability to other tactical control strategies such as path stretching and level-offs.

After conducting a literature review in Section 2, Section 3 details the methodology employed to address the two aforementioned challenges. The setup of the experiment that showcases the effectiveness of the methodology is presented in Section 4. Section 5 presents the primary findings of the experiment, while Section 6 concludes the paper with key remarks and take-home messages.

Literature review

Recent research has underscored the substantial connection between aviation and environmental concerns. For instance, [Sun et al. 2022] highlighted that commercial aviation was accountable for nearly 818 megatons of CO2 emissions in 2018, suggesting a potential link with the economic prosperity of nations. This sentiment was further echoed by [Sun and Dedoussi 2021], who used ADS-B data and the open aircraft performance (OpenAP) framework to examine the environmental impact of aviation across Europe.

The terminal manoeuvring area (TMA) is where many of the environmental impact of aviation occurs. As an example, [Irvine et al. 2016] investigated the environmental impact of air traffic congestion during peak hours at London Heathrow Airport, highlighting the contribution of holdings. More recently, [Olive et al. 2023] expanded upon this insight, examining environmental inefficiencies in arrival procedures and emphasised the detrimental environmental impact of holdings compared to other procedures. Simultaneously, [Pasutto and Zeghal 2023] introduced a comprehensive set of valuable flight efficiency indicators for arrivals.

Weather remains a substantial factor affecting flight efficiency in the TMA, with adverse weather conditions often resulting in reduced airport capacity that triggers holdings or even diversions. The latter issue was addressed in [Dalmau and Gawinowski 2024], which introduced a tree-based model designed to predict diversions caused by adverse weather conditions. In a follow-up study [Dalmau and Gawinowski 2023], supervised clustering was used to categorise the causes behind these diversions, identifying events such as low visibility or snow.

Whether for evaluating the environmental impact or developing models to predict and mitigate these events, dedicated algorithms are essential for detecting them from surveillance data. [Olive et al. 2020] explored rule-based and statistical methods for detecting various events. Notably, some of these methodologies, such as a neural network for detecting holdings, have been integrated into traffic [Olive 2019].


The method starts by detecting holdings patterns from ADS-B trajectories with the neural network integrated into traffic [Olive 2019]. These holdings are then grouped in 30-minute intervals, which is the typical frequency of weather updates at major airports, and enriched with weather observations from the closest meteorological aerodrome report (METAR). This enables the creation of an unlabelled dataset, with each observation corresponding to a 30-minute period in which at least one holding was identified, and where the various features represent the observed weather conditions.

Each observation is then assigned the label "weather" or "other" based on the cause of the air traffic flow management (ATFM) regulation in effect at the airport at that time (if any). Observations with no concurrent ATFM regulation at the airport remain unlabelled and are addressed in the next step.

Figure 4 provides examples of detected holding patterns at Zurich airport during three different days at the same hour. Figure 1 represents observations labelled as weather, Figure 2 depicts observations labelled as other, and Figure 3 represents scenarios where no holdings were present.

An ATFM regulation due to weather was present and the weather at 10:20 AM was VRB01KT 0200 FG VV001
An ATFM regulation due to ATC capacity was present and the weather at 10:20 AM was 4000 -SHRA FEW004 SCT010
No ATFM regulation was present and the weather at 10:20 AM was 18007KT 9999 FEW050
Highlighted in blue are the arrival trajectories near Zurich Airport, covering a 50-nautical mile radius, between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM. The segments of these trajectories marked in red represent holding patterns identified by the neural network implemented in the traffic library.

In Figure 2, you can see some irregular holding patterns to the north of Zurich. These patterns are called 360s or orbits, and they are circular patterns in which the aircraft maintains a constant rate of turn. They are used mainly for sequencing and spacing reasons. In this study, we would like to consider them as holdings, as they still induce some non-negligible amount of airborne delay. However, the neural network implemented in the traffic library sometimes detects these patterns as holdings, and sometimes not. All in all, as any machine learning model, the neural network is not perfect, and some false positives or negatives could be found. The exact performance of the neural network is still unknown, as a publication presenting the details is not yet available. Nevertheless, we have observed that it performs very well, and that missed predictions are very rare.

The cause of the unlabelled observations is estimated by using a simple yet effective self-training algorithm [Yarowsky 1995], which allows any base_classifier (e.g., a decision tree or a neural network) to learn from unlabelled data. The steps of the self-training algorithm are listed in Algorithm [alg:st].

base_classifier, threshold (or k_best), max_iter, labelled set, unlabelled set Initialise the empty set of pseudo-labelled observations Fit the base_classifier using labelled and pseudo-labelled sets Predict label probabilities for all observations in the unlabelled set Unlabelled observations with predicted probabilities exceeding the threshold parameter are assigned that label and transferred to the pseudo-labelled set (k_best is used) Transfer the k_best unlabelled observations with the highest predicted probabilities to the pseudo-labelled set, assigning them the corresponding most probable labels

The base_classifier is responsible for predicting labels for unlabelled observations during each iteration. Then, a portion of these observations may be transferred into the pseudo-labelled set. The selection of candidates can be accomplished through two methods: either by applying a threshold to the predicted probabilities or by selecting the k_best observations with the highest predicted probabilities. The reader is referred to the scikit-learn documentation for further details1.

In practice, this procedure allows the majority of observations to be labelled as "weather" or "other," allowing the expected proportion of each cause to be determined. Some labels are given, while others are inferred by the model (the pseudo-labels). The fuel consumption associated with each holding can then be calculated using the OpenAP framework and attributed to the corresponding cause.


The experimental setup for this study involved using ADS-B data for arrivals at the top 45 busiest airports in Europe during 2022, as determined by Wikipedia. This dataset covers the period from January 1st, 2022, to June 1st, 2023. metafora2 was used to extract the weather conditions from the raw METARs for the same airports and period. Table 1 provides an overview of the dataset.

Dataset description.
Features Label
Numerical Boolean
Name Mean Q1 Q2 Q3 Name Proportion of falses Class Occurrences
speed (m/s) 4.0 2.1 3.6 5.1 precipitation 0.87 Unlabelled 41620 (85%)
gust (m/s) 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 obscuration 0.94 Weather 3484 (7%)
visibility (m) 9242 9999 9999 9999 thunderstorms 0.98 Other 4051 (8%)
ceiling (m) 2252 1067 3048 3048 snow 0.99
cover (oktas) 3 0 2 6 clouds 0.92

The dataset mostly includes features related to weather conditions. However, other features like airport congestion (which could be expressed as the ratio between the scheduled demand and the declared capacity) as well as more detailed information related to on-airport emergency situations, e.g., an emergency aircraft on the runway, or even information from NOTAMs (notice to airmen) could be included to further help the model identify holdings caused by reasons different from weather during the self-supervision process. However, we kept the study as simple as possible for the sake of reproducibility. Obtaining airline schedules, airport capacities, and NOTAMs is not straightforward, and including these features would have made the reproducibility of the study more complex.

The dataset comprises 41620 (85%) unlabelled observations, 3484 (7%) weather-related observations, and 4051 (8%) observations attributed to other causes. Remember that each observation represents a 30-minute period during which at least one holding was identified. To evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data, a subset of 10% randomly selected and labelled observations was set aside.

The experiment made use of two base classifiers to (1) cross-check the results and (2) demonstrate that simple models can perform this task comparably to more sophisticated ones. The simple model is a DecisionTreeClassifier, while the complex model is a LGBMClassifier composed of 60 decision trees with the same hyper-parameters as the simple model but trained with gradient-boosting.

We manually selected the hyper-parameters of the models based on our understanding of the problem and the characteristics of the data. The hyper-parameters were chosen to create models capable of capturing the complexity in the data while also being robust to over-fitting. The decision to not use a validation set was primarily driven by the limited amount of labelled observations (less than 10K). Although we did not use a validation set, we believe that our choices of hyper-parameters are justified given our understanding of the problem and the data. More specifically:

  • We set the maximum depth of each decision tree (max_depth) to 10 considering the complexity of the problem and the number of features in the dataset. A depth of 10 allows the models to learn complex patterns in the data, but not so intricate that they fit to the noise.

  • We also set the minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node (min_samples_leaf) to 25 with the size of the dataset in mind. This parameter ensures that the models make decisions based on a substantial amount of data, which helps to prevent over-fitting by avoiding rules that are too specific and based on a small number of observations.

  • Finally, we set the number of trees in the gradient-boosting ensemble (n_estimators) to 60 to strike a balance between model performance and the risk of over-fitting. While a higher number of trees can potentially lead to better performance, it can also increase the risk of fitting to the noise.

Furthermore, monotone constraints were applied to the LGBMClassifier to achieve consistent feature attribution. These constraints enforce that, all else being equal, higher values of wind speed, gust, sky cover, precipitation, obscuration, thunderstorms, snow, and presence of clouds increase the likelihood of an observation being classified as weather. Lower visibility and ceiling values, on the other hand, must increase the likelihood of an observation being classified as weather.

In the context of the self-training algorithm (see Algorithm [alg:st]), we adopted a threshold selection criterion with the threshold parameter set at 0.75. This high threshold ensures that only predictions made with high confidence are added to the training set, which helps to maintain the quality of the labels and prevent the degradation of the model. We chose not to limit the number of iterations, allowing the model to learn as much as possible from the unlabelled data. These parameters also happen to be the default settings in the scikit-learn implementation. While we did use the default settings, our decision was not solely based on convenience or lack of consideration. Instead, it was a deliberate choice informed by our understanding of the problem, the data, and the model’s behaviour. The alignment of our choices with the scikit-learn defaults further substantiates our decisions.

Further investigation included computing Shapley values for the observations labelled as weather (both given and pseudo-labelled), which provided insights into the impact of the various weather events (e.g., obscuration, snow, thunderstorms). Then, the Birch clustering algorithm was applied to the Shapley values to group observations with comparable characteristics. Regarding the configuration of Birch, a threshold parameter of 0.25 was chosen and the development of 6 clusters was enforced, guided by a visual inspection of the data. Additionally, dimensionality reduction was carried out via principal component analysis (PCA) in order to facilitate the interpretation of results.

Lastly, environmental impact was quantified through fuel consumption estimation using the OpenAP framework, providing valuable insights into the environmental consequences associated with primary causes (i.e., weather and other) and weather events (e.g., obscuration, snow, thunderstorms).


This section presents the key findings of the experiment. Section 5.1 illustrates the distribution of observations by cause (weather or other) obtained through semi-supervised training. Section 5.2 delves into the specific weather events that likely prompted each observation labelled as weather.

Proportion of observations per cause

Figure 7 illustrates the evolution of the proportion of labels (weather, other, and unlabelled) as a function of the self-training iteration. Note that both given labels and pseudo-labels are considered.

Proportion of labels per self-training iteration. Red is weather, blue is other, grey is unlabelled.

As shown in Figure 7, DT and GBDT successfully labelled approximately 80% and 90% of the observations, respectively. The observations that remain unlabelled are observations for which the probability of being caused by adverse weather is higher than 25% but lower than 75%, indicating cases that cannot be attributed to a cause with sufficient confidence to satisfy the threshold criteria. It is worth noting that GBDT required twice the number of iterations compared to DT to complete the self-training process.

Table 2 shows the label occurrence on the entire dataset (including the 10% of labelled observations reserved for assessing the performance of the models on unseen data), after the self-training process.

Label occurrence after the self-training process on the entire dataset.
Model Unlabelled Weather Other
DT 9825 (20%) 10871 (22%) 28456 (58%)
GBDT 4708 (9%) 13618 (28%) 30829 (63%)

As indicated by the data in Table 2, both models allocate a comparable proportion of observations to different causes. Approximately two-thirds are ascribed to factors other than weather, one-quarter to weather-related factors, and the remaining observations are not classified due to insufficient confidence.

This categorisation is only valid, however, if the models have effectively learned the patterns that certainly lead to weather-related airborne holdings. In order to check that this condition is met, two steps will be taken: (1) measuring binary classification metrics on the 10% of reserved observations, and (2) computing the Shapley values of the model to investigate the attribution given to the features.

To start with, Table 3 presents the classification metrics on the 10% of labelled observations randomly sampled (with stratification) from the dataset before starting the self-training process.

It is important to note that the self-training algorithm operates independently of the performance evaluation conducted on 10% of the labelled observations. For instance, an observation that yields a prediction of 55% for weather and 45% for other reasons would be considered unlabelled within the self-learning algorithm, as it does not meet the threshold criteria. However, during the following performance evaluation, the observation in question would be classified as a weather observation, given the default threshold (also known as cut-off in the machine learning terminology) of 50%.

Classification metrics on the 10% of labelled observations randomly sampled with stratification from the dataset.
Weather (349 obs.) Other (405 obs.)
Model Precision Recall Precision Recall Accuracy Average Precision ROC AUC
DT 0.82 0.77 0.81 0.86 0.82 0.84 0.87
GBDT 0.83 0.80 0.83 0.85 0.83 0.86 0.87

The metrics shown in Table 3 reveal comparable performance between the DT and GBDT models, with both excelling at predicting the cause for airborne holdings. Their accuracy is higher than 80%, and the precision and recall on the two categories are alike. Outstanding results are also observed for the average precision and the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC AUC).

Figure 10 shows the distribution of Shapley values for the two models. In this graph, the y-axis indicates the name of the features, in order of mean absolute Shapley value from the top to the bottom. Each dot in the x-axis shows the Shapley value of the associated feature on the prediction for one observation, and the colour indicates the magnitude of that feature: red indicates high, while blue indicates low. A positive Shapley value indicates that the feature contributes to the prediction for the observation by increasing the probability of weather-related airborne holding (i.e., the positive class) relative to the expected value in the train set, while a negative value indicates the opposite.

Shapley values distribution on the entire dataset. Red is high, blue is low.

Figure 10 shows that the models have learned patterns that correspond to human intuition. Notably, visibility emerges as the most important feature, with higher values implying that the observed holdings are less likely to be driven by weather conditions, while lower visibility values indicate that the likelihood of weather-related holdings increases. Common sense also extends to the other features, where the presence of precipitation, obscuration, snow, and/or thunderstorms positively influences the model’s output. Figure 10 also showcases the importance of enforcing monotone constraints.

In contrast to the GBDT model, the DT model does not always adhere to these constraints. For instance, it exhibits occasional instances where strong wind gusts contribute to a decrease in the probability of weather-related holding. However, it’s worth noting that such undesirable behaviour, stemming from minor over-fitting to noise in the data, occurs infrequently.

This analysis could be enhanced by further categorising airports based on the precision approach categories associated with the active runway configuration at the time of observed holdings. Investigating such a relationship between the precision approach category and the likelihood of aircraft holding for weather improvement could yield valuable insights. Unfortunately, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, publicly available datasets detailing historical runway configurations at each airport and precision approach categories per runway and airport, are not available. The former dataset could potentially be acquired through the traffic library, utilising some of the provided methods, whereas obtaining the latter dataset necessitates manual extraction from the aeronautical information publications. Despite the extraction of such data falls outside the defined scope of this paper, we strongly encourage future research endeavours to explore this avenue.

It is important to remark that, in the context of self-training classification tasks employing a threshold criterion, the use of a well-calibrated classifier is imperative. The calibration curves of the DT and GBDT models after the last self-training iteration are shown in Figures 11 and 12, respectively.

Calibration curve. The diagonal dashed line represents a perfectly calibrated model.

Figures 11 and 12 indicate that the models are relatively well calibrated, despite the fact that the separation from the perfectly calibrated line shows a pessimistic tendency to over-forecast low probabilities of weather-related holdings (i.e., the positive class).

Finally, Figure 16 shows the proportion of fuel consumption attributed to the various causes, demonstrating the alignment of outcomes between the two models, with the proportion of fuel consumption attributed to unknown causes closely resembling the frequency of these events.

Proportion of fuel consumption in airborne holdings attributed to the various causes.

Interestingly, both models attributed approximately 40% of fuel consumption to weather-related causes, despite this class representing only a quarter of the observations. This intriguing finding suggests that while weather-related holdings occur less frequently, they have a higher impact on fuel consumption. In other words, periods with holdings caused by weather tend to be more severe.

Proportion of observations per weather cluster

Figure 19 shows the projection, into two components, of the Shapley values computed for the observations labelled as weather (either given labels or pseudo-labels after the self-training process) as a result of the PCA algorithm. Each point corresponds to one of these observations, and the colour indicates the cluster as detected by the Birch algorithm, which humanised identifiers, like "snow" instead of just "0", were based on the manual inspection of the feature distributions that will follow. Please keep in mind that the cluster names merely reflect the most significant weather event, but ultimately, a holding may be prompted by a combination of multiple weather events.

DT. Explained variance ratio is 0.70.
GBDT. Explained variance ratio is 0.78.
Principal components computed by using PCA and clusters on the Shapley domain computed by using Birch.

According to Figure 19, the PCA projection into two dimensions captures a large variance of the data. Generally speaking, the six clusters are well-separated, with similar or concurrent weather events appearing closely grouped in the lower-dimensional space. For instance, thunderstorms are in between clouds, obscuration and speed, while obscuration slightly overlaps with snow.

It should be noted that the cluster named "other" includes most of the observations labelled as "weather" but which predicted probability of belonging to that category is very low according to the model. To elaborate further, these are instances where holdings were observed during a weather-related ATFM regulation, but the weather conditions may not be exceptionally severe.

Figures 24 and 29 show the empirical cumulative distribution and the normalised histogram per cluster, respectively, for the DT model that were taken into account during the identification process. The equivalent graphs for the GBDT model are shown in Figures 34 and 39, respectively.

Ceiling (m)
Visibility (m)
Wind speed (m/s)
Wind gust (m/s)
Empirical cumulative distribution function for the GBDT model. Colours follow the same notation as in Fig. 17.
Normalised histogram for the DT model. Colours follow the same notation as in Fig. 17.
Ceiling (m)
Visibility (m)
Wind speed (m/s)
Wind gust (m/s)
Empirical cumulative distribution function for the GBDT model. Colours follow the same notation as in Fig. 18.
Normalised histogram for the GBDT model. Colours follow the same notation as in Fig. 18.

Figure 40 shows the Sankey diagram representing the relationships between observations within the 6 clusters generated from the Shapley values of the GBDT model (left) and their connections to either the same or different clusters based on the Shapley values of the DT model (right).

Sankey diagram depicting the relationships between observations within clusters generated from the Shapley values of the GBDT model (left) and their connections to those based on the Shapley values of the DT model (right).

Figure 40 reveals that about two-thirds of the observations originally allocated to the obscuration cluster in the left categorisation are correlated with ceiling in the right categorisation. This flow of data is caused by the manner in which metafora encodes periods with vertical visibility information (VV), which often occurs during low-visibility times. In these circumstances, the vertical visibility is used to fill the ceiling feature, yet actually it reflects the vertical visibility. In contrast, around one-third of the observations originally classified as speed in the right clusters are now classified as ceiling in the left clusters. This flurry of observations is caused by the fact that severe winds frequently occur in the midst of storms, when the ceiling is low. Overall, it is worth noting that the two models have produced similar outcomes.

Lastly, Figure 43 depicts the distribution of fuel consumption in airborne holdings attributed to various weather events, each of which is associated with a specific cluster

Proportion of fuel consumption in airborne holdings attributed to the different clusters.

Figure 43 shows that, in both clusters generated by the DT and GBDT models, obscuration and ceiling together appear as the major contributors to fuel consumption. This fact is not surprising, as most of the observations belong to these clusters. Wind speed and the presence of convective weather also appear to have an important environmental impact, despite the presence of these occurrences is not as significant.


Leveraging the power of semi-supervised learning, this study revealed that approximately 25% of the 30-minute time periods with airborne holdings in Europe (independently of the severity) are weather-related, with reduced visibility, winds and convective weather as the main contributors, constituting around 40% of total fuel consumption during these procedures.

It is critical to emphasise that airborne holdings are just one of the many factors influencing flight efficiency within the TMA. This paper primarily focused on the methodology, which is why it specifically addressed one particular tactical control strategy for illustration purposes. However, it is important to note that other tactical control strategies, such as path stretching or level-offs, also have a significant impact and cannot be ignored [Pasutto and Zeghal 2023]. Therefore, we strongly encourage the research community to explore the potential of extending the method proposed in this study to comprehensively unravel the causes of flight inefficiencies within the TMA in a more generalised manner.

For example, the current study’s methodology could be reproduced by integrating the additional ASMA time3 [Cappelleras 2015] rather than relying solely on the binary indicator of the presence or absence of a holding pattern. Following the approach outlined in this paper, each observation could correspond to the weather conditions during a specified time period (e.g., 30 minutes), enriched with the associated additional ASMA time. These observations could then be categorised as weather-related or others based on the presence of ATFM regulations. Subsequently, employing the semi-supervised approach introduced in this study would facilitate the extrapolation of labels for unclassified observations. This method promises to provide a more exhaustive understanding of the contributing factors to overall airborne delay within the TMA, attributable to airborne holdings and other tactical control techniques.

Furthermore, it is worthwhile to investigate the various practises regarding the utilisation of airborne holdings at various airports. While some airports use holding patterns primarily in response to extreme weather conditions, as a safety measure to ensure the orderly and safe flow of air traffic during adverse conditions, others take a more strategic approach. Airborne holdings are not just a backup plan for bad weather at these airports; they are a deliberate strategy used during peak hours of air traffic congestion. Airborne holdings are useful in these situations for orchestrating the complex ballet of incoming and outgoing flights. This intriguing study, however, falls outside the scope of this paper, as our primary focus has consistently been on detailing the methodology for identifying the causes of airborne holdings in a semi-supervised fashion.

In the next phase of our research, we intend to apply our methodologies to a another, yet critically important area: quantifying environmental inefficiencies, particularly in terms of fuel consumption. This endeavor will focus on identifying the primary causes of fuel burn inefficiency by crossing available key performance indicators.

Additionally, in order to improve reproducibility within the research community, this study used the OpenAP framework for fuel consumption computation. Nonetheless, we strongly advise using the base of aircraft data (BADA) performance model to achieve more accurate estimates.

Last but not least, while our study has demonstrated promising results with manually chosen hyper-parameters for the models, the self-training algorithm, and the Birch clustering algorithm, we acknowledge that there is room for further optimisation. In future work, these parameters could and should be fine-tuned to potentially improve the quality of the models and the overall self-training process, which would also provide more accurate figures about the fuel consumption share. Techniques such as cross-validation and grid search, for instance, could be employed to systematically explore the hyper-parameter space and identify the best values.

The data that support the findings of this study are available at: https://www.github.com/ramondalmau/holdings-opensky. Accessed on October 12th, 2023. The dataset is also archived at: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.10032729

This work can be reproduced using the code available at: https://www.github.com/ramondalmau/holdings-opensky. Accessed on October 12th, 2023.


  • R.D: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing – Original Draft;

  • P.V: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – Review & Editing;

  • G.B: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – Review & Editing.

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