Benjamin’s Dialectical Image and the Textuality of the Built Landscape


  • Ross Lipton SUNY Binghamton



In The Arcades Project, Walter Benjamin describes the architectural expression of nineteenth century Paris as a dialectical manifestation of backwards-looking historicism and the dawn of modern industrial production (in the form of cast iron and mass produced plate glass). Yet in the same text, Benjamin refers to the dialectical image as occurring within the medium of written language. In this paper, I will first discuss the textuality of the dialectical image as it emerges from Benjamin’s discussion of allegorical and symbolic images in his Trauerspiel study and the ‘wish symbol’ in The Arcades Project. I will then discuss the ‘textual reductionism’ implicit in Benjamin’s theory of the dialectical image, in which the dense pluralities of urban space are reduced to a finite script to be pieced together through Benjamin’s constructivist method of historical observation. The textuality of the dialectical image will be elaborated on by discussing it in relation to the practice of translation. This discussion will be further contextualised by discussing a cadre of German/Austrian planners and architects who attempted to translate architectural idioms between cultural identities in Kemalist Era Turkey. The article concludes with a short recapitulation on the dialectical image as both an object of scrutiny and a method of observation, one which also takes into consideration the specific historicity of the observer.

Author Biography

Ross Lipton, SUNY Binghamton

In the spring of 2007, Ross Lipton received his Bachelor’s degree in Literature from New School University. In 2010, he received a Master’s of Liberal Arts from the University of Pennsylvania. From 2010 to 2015, Ross taught World Literature at SUNY Binghamton while working towards a doctorate in Comparative Literature. He currently teaches Philosophy at La Salle University in Philadelphia. He is presently working on a dissertation exploring the influence of musical harmony, as a metaphor for both aesthetic and social / political concordance, on the various articulations of urban space from the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth century.


Louis Aragon, Nightwalker /Le Paysan de Paris (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1970), Trans. Frederick Brown.

Esra Akcan, Architecture in Translation: Germany, Turkey and the Modern House, (Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2012).

Walter Benjamin, Arcades Project (Boston, Mass: Belknap Press, 1999), Trans. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin.

Walter Benjamin, Reflections (New York: Schocken Press, 1978), Trans. Edmund Jephcott.

Walter Benjamin, Illuminations (New York: Schocken Press, 1969), Trans. Harry Zohn.

Walter Benjamin, Selected Writings: 1935-1938 (New York: Schocken Press, 2002), Trans. Edmund Jephcott and Howard Eiland.

Margaret Cohen, “Walter Benjamin’s Phantasmagoria,” New German Critique 48, (1989).

Jacques Derrida, “Des Tours des Babel” from Difference in Translation, (Ithaca, Cornell University Press: Cornell Press, 1985), Trans. Joseph Green.

Briony Fer, “Metaphor and Modernity,” Oxford Art Journal Vol 12, No.1 (1989).

Michael Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge (New York: Pantheon Books, 1972), Trans. Alan Sheridan.

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Hans Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method (New York: Continuum Press, 2006), Trans. Joel Weinscheimer and Donald Marshall.

Siegfried Giedion. Building in France: Building in Iron, Building in Ferro-Concrete (Santa Monica: Getty Press, 1995), Trans. J. Duncan Berry.

G.W. Hegel, Vorlesungen uber die Philosophie der Geschichte (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1970).

Victor Hugo, Hunchback of Notre Dame (New York: Signet Press, 1964), Trans. Walter Cobb.

Michael Jennings, Dialectical Images (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987).

Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols (New York: Dell Press, 1969).

Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space (Hoboken, New Jersey: Blackwell Press, 1974), Trans. Donald Nicholson Smith.

Georg Lukács, History and Class Consciousness (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1971), Trans. Rodney Livingstone.

Karl Marx, a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr and Company, 1904), Trans. N.I Stone.

John McCole, Walter Benjamin and the Antinomies of Tradition (Ithaca: Cornell Press, 2002).

Tyrus Miller, “Glass before Its Time, Premature Iron: Architecture, Temporality and Dream in Benjamin’s Arcades Projects” in Walter Benjamin and Architecture, Ed. Beatrice Hanssen (London: Continuum Press, 2006).

Stephane Moses, The Angel Of History (Paolo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1987), Trans. Barbara Harshav.

Max Pensky, “Geheimmittel: Advertising and Dialectical Images in Benjamin’s Arcades Projects” from Walter Benjamin and The Arcades Project, Ed. Beatrice Hanssen (London: Continuum Press, 2006).

Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time. Vol. 6 (New York: Modern Library, 1999), Trans. Andreas Mayor and Terrence Kilmartin.

Joseph Roth, What I Saw: Reports from Berlin 1920-1933 (New York: Norton press, 1996), Trans. Michael Hoffmann.


